SB Labs

New to UGmuscle, questions


Well-known member
What’s up I’ve done a lot of reading on this board & decided it’s time to take part.

I was wondering what you guys think about running hcg throughout the cycle… I’ve ran hcg once & it was with pct. The more I read it says to run during. My sex drive always dies about half way through& my balls shrink into my stomach while on & was thinking this might help?

Also never taken an AI throughout a whole cycle? Should I run through the whole thing or just with sides?

I’ve read a lot about both these things & want y’alls opinion

Thank you all… much love. Sorry for stupid questions
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Welcome bro from myself and @Steroidify

You can def run hcg during your whole cycle. Will help to have you ahead of the game come your pct. 200iu 3x a week is what I do or you can do 250iu 2x a week. No need to ever go over 250iu in a dose.

As far as ai, that is dependent on what you’re running and how your bloodwork looks. We could make best guesses for how much ai to run, but bloods will tell. Do you run bloods on your cycles?

Tell is a little more about yourself. Any planned upcoming cycles? How many have you ran? What do your stats look like?
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I ran HCG throughout my cycle(s) and on TRT for several years. HCG on or off cycle may help with libido but I never notice any difference. I used it specifically for testicular atrophy.

Since you stated that you do not use an AI throughout I would be more inclined to state that an increase in estrogen, not controlled with an AI, is the reason for your loss of libido.

@Fitraver asked some good questions that may help us help you if you feel comfortable answering.
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I def agree with both statements you made bro! I never noticed any increase in sex drive from using hcg on cycle and the increase in estrogen from not using an AI would positively cause the loss of sex drive. Get on arimidex .5mgs eod and low dose cialis daily will fix that problem right up 😉
MBTJR1980 said:
Get on arimidex .5mgs eod and low dose cialis daily will fix that problem right up 😉
And if you have never had blood work done start doing it so you know how your body responds to .5mg/eod (every other day) based on the dosages and compounds you are using.

@MBTJR1980 is speaking from experience and he knows his own body. We all need to gain that same experience and understanding how our bodies respond. One person may respond well to .5mg/eod and another may only need .5mg/e3d. Then there are those that are very estrogen sensitive making arimidex a poor choice for them.

@MormonMuscle one thing for certain we are all here to help.
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Guess a booted the ball on the sex drive part tied to the hcg lol. Read right over that. I agree hcg isn’t gunna help sex drive. Just increase e2 and help your balls be bigger come pct - that’s why I was saying to use it. But if that’s not your concern and just sec drive then nope don’t need it.
Welcome. Looks like the boys got you covered. If you run hcg watch out that you pull out or wrap up because those boys will be swimming like crazy lol. I personally like my balls drawn up and so does my girl. She said old man saggy balls are gross lol
PHD said:
I personally like my balls drawn up
And it makes everything else look bigger. 😉

It is worth mentoring @MormonMuscle @PHD is a sponsored trainer here at and he has a vast amount of experience that you may wish to benefit from. He can develop a customized diet, training, and comprehensive cycle plan centered around your lifestyle and realistic goals. He and his partner are currently running a holiday special for members and the price is a BLOW OUT!

Check it out and if paid coaching makes sense to you this is absolutely a great opportunity, No matter what you choose we are here to help!
Holiday special for new clients Sponsor - Titan Training
What’s up UG fam @members. Boy do I have something for you all. I’ve actually been in the works for this for a while and finally got everything figured out. So my girlfriend is now a business partner with me in titan training. She’s ran her own business for a few years now and been training clients at gyms for over 10 years. We decided to join forces and really give everyone a lot of bang for their buck. A little background about Ms Titan (I made that up lol) Elite personal trainer with the i…
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I’m 26 6’1 213lbs don’t know BMI right now have been juicin since high school. I had a year break off of everything so decided to run something mild… I just started Test prop 120mg eod & Mast 100mg eod going to throw in var at probably 50mg in a couple days. Don’t ever do bloods but am going to start.

Im thinking of trying hcg 250iu twice a week. Do I run it throughout the whole cycle or just for a few weeks at a time. Have read different things. I just don’t want my little guys so far up I can feel them stomach smh

Should I throw some aromasin in maybe once a week to see how I feel? (I have a bottle laying around)Or just do the eod 12.5 mg or whatever it is? Hcg raises estrogen so my guess is eod?

Once again thanks everyone.

Oh & @PHD might have to take you up on your offer. GF just started training maybe your wife could help her out too?
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Glad you’re gunna get bloods. Yes take hcg the whole cycle and sure start your Aromasin at that dose or 12.5 3x a week and then get bloods at week 3 or 4 since you’re on prop. Get them done 24 hours after one of your prop pins if you’re getting test bloods as well.

I think @PHD and his Mrs for you and your Mrs is a great idea.
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Hey bro would love to help you both we still have some openings. Message me your email address I’ll send you info from there.