Newbie Introduction To The Forum

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Welcome. Don’t be afraid to pin some test, test p gives lots of people pip, there is other test out there, using dbol for 3 months is to long. Sounds like your lookin for quick gains,with minimal effort, there’s a lot you need to research and figure out, luckily your in the right place
I don’t believe he’s been on the Dbol consistently for 2-3 months. He works out with me. He tried Prop and was staying sore. So I hooked him up with the Dbol I dropped. It was only enough for 4 weeks, maybe 6 depending on dosages. Welcome aboard @Itzzryry
I started off at 160lb, I ran test 400mg WK. 25mg Dbol for 6wk ed,npp 20mg EOD for whole cycle,my cycle was for 10 wks bcz I cut it short. I’ve been on PCT for a month and I’ve kept all of my gains. I fluctuate 178-180. I’ve only lost water weight, about 4lbs. My doses were fairly low so I think that’s contributing to me keeping my gains.
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