Newbie to the forum but not cycles

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Hey all,
I’ve been lurking the site for a bit on the advice of a friend. So figured time to make an intro. 34/M 5’9’ 205 lbs. 24% body fat. Former Marine and the day I got out I was 195 on the dot at 19% body fat. That was 5 years ago. I became the stereotypical Vet eating donuts everyday and not doing shit. Over the last year I’ve gotten serious about eating right and cutting the drinking out again. I would like to get back on cycle and back down to that ~195 mark. I’ve done 5 cycles total in my life. I’ve been doing a lot of cardio lately and I’m looking to get lean. Any advice on what to run would be great.

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Yo N3rd,
Thanks for the reply. I haven’t calculated what I currently take in but it’s def not a lot. I would imagine I will have to take in more once I’m on the juice again - even to get lean. I will do some estimates at lunch today and get back to you.
I’d start with getting your diet in check. Just as @PHD said.
Find your daily intake, subtract ~2-300 calories from there. Feel it out.
You’re not all that over weight, it should be easy to get in to the teens in terms of bf%.
Welcome. Great intro.
As stated by @PHD and @n3rd the diet is gonna get you there. I was about the same stats. Lost 36 pounds just with dieting alone a few years ago. Got to 189 pounds pretty fast.
I did hire a guy who used to be on here to help me with the diet. And a coach can make a big difference in how the diet goes. Especially if your paying someone to tell you what to eat. You tend to follow it a lot better than if you just think you are gonna.
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