Number of weeks

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So who came up with the 8 weeks 12 weeks 16 weeks 21 weeks cycles and why are those suggested? Like if someone is doing deca and it’s along ester why don’t they just say 30 weeks 45 weeks?
Just wondering thank you!
A couple factors.
  1. Most people run toxic drugs/doses and those are the timeframes before toxicity.
  2. A study done with anavar a loooooooooong time ago with men in their 70’s in a nursing home. The studied showed improvements declined within the 8-12 week mark. The problem? These men were only on Anavar, no testosterone, they only ate the prescribed nursing home diet, and they were not required to exercise. Then some dude pounded bro science to the masses saying 12 week cycle. Look at the data.
Labs are more important as a guideline. Actual data an research on the compounds.

Taking into account what actual clinical usage is/was and not abusing the dose. Deca therapeutic dose is 100-200. You could potentially run that for a long time sure, but not without lab work supporting your decision. Most people triple or quadruple therapeutic doses and act like it’s not abuse of the compound.
I’ve been on cycle for like 5 months now so there is that. 4 more to go and I can say I can feel when it’s time drop certain things. I think some people run certain cycle lengths cause it lines up good with training block

Edit for spelling- Neuro, only bc this is a good topic. Love you and your fat thumbs dirt
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The longer you run things the worse it is on your system,I’ve rather listen to bro science and hear the 12 week cycle,then to just say 30 to 45 weeks that’s a long cycle,and if you run that long of a cycle then that’s a long PCT,who wants to run a 45 week PCT, nobody.
My experience and 2c… back in the early/mid 80’s (in my area) we had a tattered pamphlet that was passed around the gym that had a bunch of suggested “stacks”… I remember it as having a ramp up on almost everything as well as a taper down to end. Deca durabilin and dbol was the go to stack. This is almost embarrassing to say but hey pre internet days…a bunch of young kids (20’s) in a military town with seemingly an unlimited supply of everything (we knew about) except syringes. The protocol was ramp everything up until you got nosebleeds and/or liver pains and/or kidney pains…then back off a tad… stay there until you ran out of compounds and/or money. Zero distinction between oils and orals.

Luckily for one of the handful of times in my youth…I was a little wary of the stuff and always erred on the side of caution… I would take medium/high doses for medium lengths of time and stay natty for a bit until I got the bug again. No blood labs, reuse syringes, some dudes would share syringes.

To be honest my strength and muscular size went up pretty good while I was on and I never lost much while I was off. I did that haphazard bro stuff into my 30’s…on…off… never really dawned on me to do any research on anything because I felt great, I was putting up some respectable numbers and looked like i lifted. Along came the internet and whispers of “cycles”…i was deep into the dad thing… putting first wife through nursing school with 2 kids. I would cycle on and off every so often; sometimes only once a year. Still no blood labs or anything of the nature. My area has a lot of horse ranches and large animal vets so access to equine related peds was easy. For some reason oral test was plentiful also. Cycling in my area was still just until you ran out of compounds with no real thought put into it.

Of course fast fwd to my 40’s and I got very educated and even more wary. Had been seeing my pcp for some time (since mid 30’s) and getting regular labs and physicals. The dudes i was using with in our 20’s were fat fleshy and just down right pitiful looking. Most of them abused for extremely long periods of time and crashed hard…never competed in anything and lots of them required shoulder surgeries.

Now I have you guys and tend to not do anything that will affect my health negatively.

I strayed a bit late last year and overdosed tbol (for me) and it showed on my labs. I should have stayed on the lower dose pwo just as my trusted adviser said. He’s always right.
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There are lot of people that are just doing low doses long runs now instead of blasting slower gains and less negative sices
I’m thinking blood labs and lower doses for longer periods of time is turning out to be the norm. Like @Dirtnasty stated above…less to no sides which equals long term health and long term gains.

Vs shorter high dose cycles that yield lots of sides and could very well be catastrophic health events.
My theory like I posted before is “big” is relevant to size. You’re a ~300lb man… that’s 50% bigger than a 200lb man.

Just my thoughts
My internal organs would be shut down on that amount. If I was still alive.
But he can’t predict the future,so he’s good now,but may be fucked later,just like any of us.
I envy @Dirtnasty run high numbers ,eat everything in sight,however he is also a do as I say,not as I do kind of guy,and I have trouble listening to guys who give that kind of advice
I look at @Dirtnasty as telling folks don’t do what i do…he admittedly runs outrageous amounts/combinations. Surly not for everyone. I’m pretty sure he says stay away from his protocol.

I know I wouldn’t dare to even come close. Heck I can’t do what most of you guys do.
I’ve also said this before here on ugm. You guys are waaayyy more responsible with ped use than me and my crowd were at a young age.

Luckily I don’t believe I’ve messed myself up with my past indiscretions. Time will tell.
I know in a certain aspect him telling people to not do what he’s doin can help some people,but people like me (IF I was younger) would think we’ll if he’s doin then so can in the military,I believe that you lead by example,platoon commanders,squad leaders,team leaders,if they were to tell their guys,do this,while I’m doin that,you will have no respect,and nobody’s going to want to follow you into combat.
@Dirtnasty I’m definitely not saying you have no respect towards you,I know you bust your ass in the gym,I respect that.
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