Number of weeks

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My first few cycles were test,Tren,deca,no PCT,no blood work,eating shit food all day… eventually I learned from guys who knew what to do,and how to do it.But if they were not leading me by example,I would disregard them,and tell them their full of shit,that’s for me personally.
So @Poppy 's personal experience should be a history lesson for us all.

It is invaluable understanding how the lack of knowledge (and conversely, knowledge gained) can impact behavior.

There is alway more to know out there to help us progress.

Dare Something Worth = Aude Aliquid Dignum (Latin)
This is just my opinion… you could play with the dosing and up it a bit to see where you can end up without any sides or required ancillaries.

Maybe add in mast or prov…

Or just leave it all alone.

Do you feel good now? Happy with results? On track for goals?
I’ve always looked at it as blanket guidelines based on how toxic the drug is for example tren and superdrol are tan shorter than test. However I don’t use this idea as I just get labs done and once I hit a point where I’m uncomfortable with my bio markers that’s when it’s time to take a step back. Great question!
My cycle for these last 2 comps was basically 6 months. Starting very basic with test then adding and subtracting compounds as I went.
Never going over 1,200mg per week total load. Staying with 4 compounds test being the base, tren , mast P, winstrol inject.
Yes I’m on track and I am happy with my results, I was just thinking about the time lines when I was at work and I’ve watch a lot of old time videos but never heard this or that old timer came up with all that or This doctor or company came up with that
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