And yes that will be my next cycle, despite the wife’s protest of tren, it obviously won’t be a long cycle, but me tren like each other for about 10-12 weeks at a clip, and no fucking tren A.
I have no issues, my wife and my general state of mind ate the ones with the problem, I don’t use it often, and I use my wife as my gauge for it, when she says, your ego and attitude are getting a bit much I stop.ya know love hate relationship.
That’s a beautiful site right there.
The wife should like Tren. Yes, you soak the sheets and pillows with sweat every night. Yes, you’re aggressive as fuk. But for me it makes me a sexual animal, always horny.
400 tren 500 test proviron 50mg everyday Adex .5 eod, I have nolva clomid in hand but doubt I will need it til pct again, oh yeah superD is always on hand when I feel the need.
I haven’t gotten any of those crazy sides people always talk about…
I sleep pretty damn good, granted i’m prescribed ambien and i take cbdMD sleep… Never work up with night sweats or any of that…
Only thing that’s gotten me so far is this fucking attitude/aggravation …
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