SB Labs

October 2019 member of the month contest at ugmuscle

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@John also my first and last Bbing forum ill ever join… I’ve looked up some of the other different ones and checked them out pretty well since joining UGM but they honestly all seem to suck & not be up to par :roll_eyes:
I started a new push/pull/legs workout today,
The last workout I had been doing was high high volume this new one is a mix heavy for my main and volume for the accessories. 12 weeks 3on1off

I’ll write it up later on this evening
Sounds good! I’m always looking for new leg workouts, as well as other push/pull routines to keep from getting bored.
I’ve been running a few of john meadows leg workouts. They are killer. I’ve never did squats to failure and leg press to failure then turn around and do drop sets. But its definitely shaping my quads nicely.
My leg work out starts with leg Extensions 3 drop sets of 15 x 3 just to warm them up. Then 5 sets 10 leg press then 5 sets 10 squats 5sets of 10 leg curls finish off with leg extensions. I can hardly walk out the gym
Yea that’s right I remember now, I’m actually looking forward to doing a long estered blast that I have coming up, I’ve literally been pinning ED for at least 5 years wether it be gear , gh, slin or whatever anyways it’s getting old now lol
Yeah fuck that ed shit, however the biggest I’ve ever been(207) was running short esters pinning 4x a week, and I was using tne/ inject dbol as pwo, and i was also force feeding and was absolutely miserable, and why make myself miserable I’m not doin this for a living.
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