Once you start using steroids, dont stop. Stay on cycle safely and properly. A lifetime commitment


Staff member
I know this is a controversial subject but I will explain myself further thru the weekend. I ran for nearly 20 years from my teens before taking a break for a couple years. Taking a complete break how my doctors wanted was a mistake. And any health problems I have now can be attributed to that break i took and unfortunately can not be undone.

My issue with my lungs, issue with lower back, issues with other things. All started from that break and the more I research the more I learn that the steroids I took were treating/preventing the issues from occurring. Ill go into more details as I have time thru the weekend. Im interested to see what us older guys have had experiences similar.
This is the way. There’s only bro science to back up the “cycle on/off” method.

Think what you want about his personality, but Victor black has the safest use methodology of anyone I’ve heard. As high dose of test as you can run without an AI, when you find it add in mast or primo, in low/moderate dose…. And go until your labs say health is being effected.

I wish more people would actually look at where “cycles” came from: poorly designed, non-reality based, non-athlete based, and poorly performed studies.

I think we would probably disagree on long term dosing 😂 but I’m with you 100%. High test+ correlational estro= healthier than when you were 16.
Waaayyy back… labs weren’t a thing. Even today most folks don’t get even a minimal blood panel with basic markers.

With everything we have at our disposal these days… I see no reason to cycle BUT there’s also no reason NOT to get labs.
Yea I agree with you. The start stop every three months couples with insane amounts of PCT drugs cannot be good. I ended up the TRT route but for those who don’t I think a better option is one my friend does. Blast 3 months, cruise 3 months, blast 3 months, then PCT. So at most your PCTin only once a year. Seems to work for him
You guys that know my lung condition that hit me after going straight off. Only to learn later the steroids were preventing the disease from spreading and anabolic steroids are being studied in several countries as a treatment now.

Well my back getting fucked up with degenerative disk disease and my ortho telling me flat out hes seen this get bad in bodybuilders as they get older and stop using steroids. With his recommendation its better to get back on anabolics and advantages of training harder with them then getting hooked on pain meds and having a lower quality of life in general.
I follow him and read a lot of what he post. I need to sign up for his classes. I like how he talks up front and no bs it seems like