SB Labs

People keep treating me more differently

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So I know as I have grown and become more alpha male people I don’t know treat me different. Either in a positive way like the milf at the gas station persisting on the idea that she has seen me somewhere before. Lol. And now it’s gotten ridiculous where folks I’ve known for years are extending their interest to me. Tonight at a wrestling meet I had three different people come up to me and shake my hand and make conversation with me that use to ignore me. They actually went out of their way to approach me. And very pretty single moms kept laughing at everything I said in the bleachers. Well fuck them!!! I am the same dumbass redneck electrician I have always been. I have my close friends even though it’s only two. And I am fine with that. So why now all the sudden you wanna be friends with me? You didn’t care for me when I was a fat fuck!!! So stupid people are. I haven’t changed my personality. Just my look
Very true. I guess I never thought about it like that. But at the end of the day you cannot deny the truth. On TRT or cycle I am the aphla or I die period. Kind of effed up thinking but that’s what hormones do to me. Edit. That is how I feel but not necessarily the truth
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There are a lot of explanations for this phenomenon, which I think is pretty common. While on cycle, you’re jacked and look great, you exude confidence, you give even less of a shit what people think about you, and perhaps you even feel you could kick just about anyone’s ass if need be. People pick up on all of this without a doubt. Whether this is being “alpha” or not doesn’t really matter. Upshot is you look and feel great and people notice. It’s really nice benefit of being on cycle.
Yes. But now I’ve been off cycle for two months. My test is low but my look is a lot different. I love the attention cause it’s positive. But I hate it cause I’m the same guy. I guess I just don’t know how to handle it. I wish I could be like @John and just give off an aura where people don’t wanna test me. Lol.
I notice the same thing but I’m already an anxious person so it just makes it worse for me. I also have the weird insecurity that when I start getting more compliments I always wonder if they’re insincere or they’re making fun of me. The worse is when somebody refers to me as “big man”. I’ll nod and smile but it makes me feel guarded and shut down a little trying to figure out their motives.
I’ve always been wither quiet or center of attention person. I’ve been told from
Even a youth by coaches that others follow me. I think it’s my realness what you see and hear is what you get other than hiding my blow use and that was just hear and to gf and dad I’m a pretty open person and people like when somebody is genuine. I’ll never say I’m an alpha as I don’t think I’m really a leader but people tend to enjoy being around me
In the beginning I felt like this, especially when I first hopped on testosterone and my first major cycle. Stupid confident, talking too everyone, feeling alpha now a few cycles after I feel like that feeling is gone. Don’t feel that alpha just feel normal, some people are assholes to me even more than before and I just shrug it off.

I know what you mean though man, own that feeling while it’s there and keep it. Wish I felt like that again
Pretty common. On cycle your confidence will always be higher. Males typically will notice and females will always want and feel safer around confident men that show strength. I took advantage of this in my late teens and twenties lol.
I wear XXL oversized shirts because I don’t like ppl to see my actual size.

I’m also not a people person, I’m “unapproachable” with or without test in my system. I’ve been told my face says “fuck off” so no one really talks to me
Besides my wife anyway.
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