Pinning long ester TRT EOD to avoid acne?

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Hey guys!

I’ve had some pretty stable facial acne on a TRT dose of 200mg Test C per week. I pin twice a week and I take .5mg arimidex 2x week also. I’m 36, 170, 13% bodyfat. My doctor told me to wash with 10% Banzoyl Peroxide. Didn’t work at all.

I just heard Dave Polumbo mention on a podcast that arimidex gave him severe acne. He later mentions that when he switched to pinning long esters EOD, it fixed most of his issues, especially acne.

Does anyone have experience with something similar? Does arimidex elevate your acne? Thoughts on pinning 3x per week at a TRT dosage?

Just wanted to hear from people who know a lot more than I do (which, is pretty much everyone)

Thank you in advance!
Honestly acne is all about keeping your estrogen, testosterone, free testosterone, and progesterone in check trying to keep them in range but then also you have to remember to change pillow cases and sheets every day to stop bacteria from growing on your skin and sheets.
Then you have to make sure that you take care of your skin charcoal facmasks and such then I have heard dawn which im going to try next time around and 2 showers a day minimum to keep the acne at bay I deal with serious acne its a pain in the ass.
Yeah I’m interested in this as well. I’ve been having acne on my forehead that is ugly man it’s driving me nuts, I wash my face at least twice a day and it was clearing up ,I have been using dawn and benzol peroxide it helped for a few days but now it’s back twice as bad. I pin twice a week. I’m running 400mg test a week and npp 40mg Ed. I’m using 20 mg nolvadex daily. So its not like I’m running big numbers or compounds.

I hear Accutane works great but there’s a long list of sides I don’t think my situation is that severe.
Now that you mention it I did notice my acne started when I took my armidex. I’m also dosing .5 mg twice a week
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Yes!! His philosophy is that arimidex suppresses estrogen but not DHT, which overcompensates and high DHT is what causes hair loss and acne.

I really started noticing the acne increasing when I increased my dose of arimidex per my doctor’s direction from .25 to .5 twice per week.
This is interesting, I’m doing a hormone test but I’m only testing for estro and progesterone. Sounds like it wouldn’t be a bad idea to get tested for dht as well. I’m curious do you have lab results? Thanks for starting this post brotha.
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I believe I do have fairly recent bloodwork. Let me see if I can find the paperwork! I’m not sure if DHT is on there but it mayyyyyy be. I recall it included estrogen and prolactin. So, I’m hoping!

No problem at all!! Thank you for contributing!
So far I haven’t got a lot of acne I will get a few herberts on my back when I start and when I stop but my face has never been an issue I clean it with rubbing alcohol daily which is prob bad but I work on some nasty stuff and it’s more for sanitary reasons
My back, shoulders and chest are terrible depending on what I run, and how long I run it for… I’ve tried anti bacterial soap, charcoal soap, changing sheets, showering multiple times a day… probably doesn’t help that I work construction…
I have a co-worker that puts a capful of bleach in a bath once a Week. I can’t say I recommend this plan, at all actually… but they never get sick, and they have acne which is impressive due to the fact we spend 12 hours a Day wearing n95’s.
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While dermatology is DEFINITELY not my speciality, I do know that is often prescribed especially when they believe the source to be skin normal flora.

However, I would always caution anyone considering taking antibiotics long term or without a script. You’re better off going to the derm and getting their opinion. Long term antibiotics will royally fook your GI tract.
Ok good to know this. Thanks bro!! I’ll talk to someone. What exactly is considered long term for antibiotics?
Good question. I’m not very familiar with doxy for acne but when used for cellulitis it’s 7 days usually. A dermatologist will have a proper idea, and doxy may be safe for long term use with minimal GI upset. I am just unfamiliar with it.
I rarely get acne on cycle. I get the occasional giant zit on shoulders or chest that feels like I’m in the movie aliens, but nothing bad. I rarely use ADEX and if I do it’s very small dosing (start at .25mg Monday/Thursday) and walk up to higher if needed. I don’t take it all the time. I take it when I get that Hard nipple pain, and usually after 2 or 3 weeks it goes away and I stop. I am older and have a tough time with regulating hormones, (I can crash my Estrogen pretty quick) I really rely on blood work. And that’s how I got to know my body. (high estrogen, hard sore nipples) Anyways another thing you need to look at is diet. That will also cause acne. I know if have too many drinks or junk food, I get those giant zits.
Is that docoxyclene stuff like an antibiotic or antibacterial for skin what is that brutal stuff they make for acne my wife had to take it whe she was younger but it will like melt your face I
And leave scars if your not careful
to get this back to your original question, this is a technique that has been tweaked and tweaked over the last few years, the newest form of it is referred to as “microdosing” in which you inject everyday no matter what the ester is, in fact the short esters will be injected 2/3 times daily. so for instance if you were to run a cycle of testE 700mg/wk and deca 350mg/wk you would shoot testE100mg a day and deca 50mg a day at the same time each day, this actually lines up real well with keeping hormones stable which is the main thing with sides, you do not have massive spikes and valleys when running gear this way. I have swapped over to doing micro dosing and am a big fan of it, yes pinning everyday sucks but i have also discovered it does not require as much gear to get the same results either. even night sweats have been less while on tren doing the micro dosing. look into it i encourage everyone actually to research it and give it a go
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