Pinning long ester TRT EOD to avoid acne?

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the restless leg thing could be the thing for you yes, and diet does play a role in my night sweats but they never go away, even when i did intermittent fasting with me only eating the first 6 hours i was awake keto style, but the cleaner i eat and the farther my last meal is away from sleep time the better but i aint about to fast for 48hrs to get rid of night sweats for 1 night lol
Dmomuchole said:
Are you pinning every day or 3x a week?
I’m just doing 3 days a week with Test C at a High(ish) 200mg/wk TRT dosage.

So far, still no new acne since I added the extra day of pinning and dropped arimidex! Can’t believe it!
That’s good news, I actually switched to pinning Monday and Thursday. That may have helped a little. My cycle is just about over but our sponsor optum suggested pinning mon wed and Fri for more balanced levels.

Thanks for sharing that info bro.
Just be careful with the aro it kills not binds so you can crash estro done it before and it took bout two weeks to get back to normal was super tired lethargic and body hurt like I was stiff sleep not good either up until recent I used aro for my AI I’m swapping to arimedex for my upcoming cycle no reason really just wanna try it again
Yeah I appreciate that, i definitely use it with caution. I crashed with armidex and I think it took about two days for my body to recover after it wore off. It doesn’t feel good. I couldn’t imagine two weeks, thats got to suck big time.
I think what the main contributor to my acne is, other then hormone imbalance and oily skin from test is the NPP I’m running, my understanding is that it causes an increase in sebum production.
Apparently Trenbolone has the same effect.
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I just ordered Flash’s blend with tren e, mast, and test c. It’s dosed pretty low at 100mg ea. Considered just doing 2cc/wk.

But I’ve heard the same thing about tren.

It’d be my first time running it. But I mayyyy hold off until I do a bit more research.
If you wanna try it without any use ace instead of enanthate that way it will clear your system faster that’s just my opinion something you should always have in your tool box is an ai like arimedex and Cabor or prami for prolactin even if you never need it
Hey brother don’t know if you’re still around but I’ve been pinning everyday for the last three weeks and it’s been helpful for the acne,now I just get a pimple here and there vs full blown breakouts. I’m pinning cyp and sus
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