Pinning long ester TRT EOD to avoid acne?

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Thank you guys so much for the amazing information and awesome feedback. Definitely gonna start increasing my pinning to at the very least EOD even with long esters.

Very thankful for this group.
Just wanted to follow up. Since I dropped arimidex 4-5 days ago and did my third pin this week, I’ve not developed any new acne. None!

I know it’s a bit early to tell but, this is the first full week I’d pinned 3 times and not used any arimidex. It’s also the first full week that I didn’t have at least one massive pimple pop up on my face.

I’ll follow back up next week as well

Thanks y’all!
I have been using these vitamins at high doses. I’ve been cleaning my face with apple cider vinegar, tea tree oil and oregano oil twice a day. I also take two tablespoons of tumeric in the morning and night in my shake, helps with inflammation.

I’ll attach pictures to show the vitamins.

Now I know it’s some hippie shit but it’s actually worked for me. The only thing was I went all out and I don’t know if it’s one thing our everything working together.

I positive the oral AAS messed with my gut Flora. When I started the probitics my heart burn went away with the acne. I rarely have heart burn. I also noticed as soon as I started taking the pantothenic acid is when my acne really disappeared and dried up. I went from 10-15 knarly pussy zits on my forehead to 0. They are all dried up and skin complexion is better. For what it’s worth I didn’t think this shit would work but it did and I just thought I would share. It’s worth a try if anything they are healthy for you lol



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I was sweating like a pig on just my TRT dose at night, developed a bacterial rash on my back, went to see a dermatologist and he said to wash with Selson Blue 3x weekly, lather up and let it sit on your skin for a couple minutes then rinse, no issues with rash or acne since. Just to be sure I stopped doing it for a week and some days and the rash started coming back, got back on it and cleared it right up.

On another note, since I started taking prami for restless legs my night sweats have dropped to near zero. 🤷
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prami dropped your night sweats? are you still on same gear and stuff as before? prami is the only variable that has changed??
That’s the only thing that has changed, same compounds as before, just a higher dose. I don’t know if it’s a coincidence, but I used to wake up drenched and now I don’t.🤷

I still sweat like a pig lifting, but sleeping I don’t wake up drenched any longer.
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It could be that I had horrible night sweats more from my restless legs too, constantly moving all night.
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I am with TG food plays a big role for me and timing on last meal I’m gonna pay more attention to the prami this next run cause I fuckin hate night sweats to the point screw tren if it’s bad
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