SB Labs

Please help with some info about anabolic steroids and protectors

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And I thought I didn’t do enough research before I started out,he seems to have done none,or gotten terrible advice, I also dont think hes gonna put most the knowledge you guys are giving him to use, however @Angelo_47 you did come to the right place,keep asking questions and use the know these seasoned guys are giving you.
I researched a good year as once I started sarms I knew it was inevitable found this site and read for about a month before first purchase then started posting for about 2 before actualy jumping on
Hell I research just about any substance I put in body. Sometimes after ingestion but so not always the best
yes John, did not realised how powerful and dangerous test cud be. anyway, what is done is done. going back to the whole thing: 2/3 weeks before stopping Test I shud have started a pct, which helps to reduce the level of estrogen (where this estrogen comes from?) that causes issues to the whole body and reduces or eliminate the gains made to that point.

A pct it’s done by taking for example Novaldex in combination with Clomid (wonder where I m supposed to find these stuff…) for 6-8 weeks or stuff like that. And after that I can go back to Test ( 200 mg rather than 500 mg) eventually combined with deca ?
so, to sum up, a pct should start 2 /3 weeks after my last test injection by the way of taking Novaldex in combination with clomid. (do they come as tablets or injections ?)

also, just wonder: what’s estrogens have to do with the all thing?
I know, this stuff can be, actually is, dangerous but what’s the alternative ? getting peptised? ( ipamoreling+cjc 1295 and alike), doing nothing ?
I dont have health insurance. My family doctor is rubbish, funny enough you guys are now 'my doctors" :)))) Going back to my initial questions: I have first to go on a post cycle therapy ( how? how that works?) then at some point starting a new cycle dropping from 500 mg to 200 mg (ok), and then? Do I need to combine this with deca ? and then? how can I protect (or limit the damages) for my prostate (finasteride right?), liver, kidneys etc?
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