SB Labs

Please help with some info about anabolic steroids and protectors

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Those are the labs that I have drawn every few months. Search lab tests on here and see what you can find
Oh lord…

Brother don’t mess with decca…ever.

Just drop down to 200mg immediately.

Test will aromatize to estrogen…too much estrogen is no good. Too little estrogen is no good.

We’re not doctors here brother… just folks trying to help you.
Post cycle therapy is PCT. It’s a combination of clomid and nolvadex. Usually clomid @ 100mg and Nolvadex @ 40mg. Taken for at least 2 weeks. Then drop both in half for another 2 weeks. This is also not a market place. Please do not ask where to find stuff.
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Hey @Angelo_47 we are here to help. We want to make sure you’re safe and healthy… but please use the magnifying glass up in the top right hand corner. Before you ask us something, search it for yourself on this site. Do the leg work to protect yourself and your health and you will be supported here.
Your input is always good… I believe you’re just impatient sometimes which we all are at times.

Sometimes you just want to grab some folks by the shoulders and shake them.
Thanks.yeah I need to practice that @NeuroRN,I have a real hard time disengaging from lots of life situations.
Thanks, and ha ha I was thinkin worse then shaking, but that’ll work,gotta start low at shaking and work your way up I guess.
No one knows everything @John . We have all had our own experience and knowledge in certain areas so your input is just as valuable as anyone else’s.
Just to echo what was already said . @Angelo_47 you personally need to educate yourself . Search this site for answers to some common questions before asking. In my opinion and I don’t mean to sound like a duck but I am a very to them point guy, you have NO business messing around with any of this yet. You are not even aware of what some basic labs that anyone your age should know let alone someone that wants to start using gear. My advice, search out a doc near you or online and get labs done before you do anything else. We all are happy to help and share knowledge we have learned over years but you’ve got to be more involved in your health and wellness. Good luck
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