SB Labs

PNWMUSCLE 2021 Spring Log

Fantastic to be honest. The lower dose is treating me well. Good results, minimal sides. Always tempting to bump up but I’m happy with the results I’m getting so going to let it be. I was worried about mental sides but I seriously feel top notch right now
Out of all the reading I’ve done on trt over the years… that’s one thing the great doctors rely on rather than the cookie cutter pharmaceutical intake… how does the patient feel.
5/4/2021- 231.8 lbs

Dropped a lot of water from yesterday. Cheated over the weekend so expecting big water weight drops next day or two

1831 calories

Meals all the same except meal 5.

Meal 5- 440 calories
4 slices Sara Lee delightful bread
2 Boca Vegan patty’s
56g fat free cheddar
1 tbs ketchup
1 tbs mustard
Sliced pickle

430am 40 mins tasted low intensity stationary bike

5pm weight training- pull day
Lat pull downs- 4 sets 15-20 reps (preactivation)
Barbell bent over rows- 4 sets 8-12
Barbell shrugs- 4 sets 12-15 reps
Single arm machine rows- 4 sets 10-12 reps
Cable facepulls- 4 sets 12-15 reps
Dumbbell hammer curls- 4sets 8-12 reps
Machine preacher curls- 3 sets 12-15 reps

30 min cardio, low intensity treadmill

Felt good today. Got my 2nd covid shot and hoping I feel good tomorrow. Interviewing some new hires I would like before summer hits so hoping I’m all there for the interviews haha
No doubt brother I just went shopping but I see those patties and the bean ones so im going to have to try them sometime I just don’t know if I will eat it lol
5/5/21- 230.6 lbs

Meals all same besides #5. Made some burritos for cinco de mayo.

2 Don Pancho carb control wraps
3oz chicken breast
140g uncle bens Spanish rice
504 calories

Total calories for the day 1862 cal

Leg day:
Barbell squat- 4 sets 8-12 reps
Leg press- 4 sets 12-15
Leg extensions- 4 sets 12-15
Leg curls- 4 sets 12-15
Calf raises- 6 sets 12-15

Another good day. No issues after getting my second covid shot yesterday. Had some interviews with potential new hires and went well, hoping to give some guys who are coming up in the trade some more opportunity by coming on with us.