SB Labs

PNWMUSCLE 2021 Spring Log

5/6/21- 230.2

1833 calories

40min stationary bike 430am
30min treadmill 6pm

Weight training: push day
Incline dumbbell flys- 3 sets 12-15
Incline machine press- 4 sets 8-12
Cable side lateral raise- 5 sets 12-15
Cable chest flys- 5 sets 12-15
Machine dips- 3 sets 8-12
Single arm tri extensions- 3 sets 12-15

Today was a doozy at work. Three complaints from customers on my service guys from just straight up irrational people who are rude and disrespectful, and expect me to bend over backwards for them. I don’t play that shit. If you have a issue, and explain it to me reasonably, I will move heaven and earth to make you happy. Start talking shit and being disrespectful and yeah I don’t want your business, fuck off, and go somewhere else. People get so surprised when a business fires them as a customer, and are surprised when being rude doesn’t get them there way. Anyway, that frustration made my gym session awesome haha. Pissed and just pumped it out and got a nasty pump. My fiancé is in her final stages to become a school teacher and started shadowing today. Really proud of her, a big goal of mine was to support her in her goals and we see the end in sight. She has a great personality and patience to deal with kids (she gets a lot of practice with me haha) and I could never do something like that. Coming home and hearing about her day really improved my mood. Always something to be thankful for
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Solid day brother. I have to deal with customers like that a lot. Grown ass adults acting like children. Actually if my kids acted like that in public they’d be in deep $@&$. Congratulations to your wife. School teachers are another underpaid and under appreciated profession. That’s gotta be more of a higher calling sort of thing.
I got a guy i know that is probably mid 40’s and is an absolute pain in the azz by nature. Every contractor he hires to do work for him has screwed him according to him.

I told him they have websites for consumers to rate contractors. The contractors have a list too and you’re on it. BAD PAIN IN THE AZZ CUSTOMER LIST. hahaha
This is what ive been seeing all around my area I feel like covid erased peoples ability to be people and respectful and kind I don’t understand why this has happened?

Congrats to the future wife brother
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5/7/21- 228.4lbs

Missed morning cardio 👎

Training: pull day
Lat pull downs 4 sets 8-12
Barbell rows 4 sets 8-12
Cable rows 3 sets 12-15
Face pulls 4 sets 12-15
Hammer curls 6 sets 8-12

Did hour of cardio to make up a bit for missing am session

Calories: 1822

Ok day. Glad it’s the weekend. Had those customers get to my head so I just need to put work stuff aside for the weekend and clear my head with it. Tend to find myself hold on the the negative stuff to much and working on just letting things go. I can only control what I have influence on, and if it’s out of my control it is what it is. Gearing up for a good leg day tomorrow morning. Need to keep diet under control this weekend, always tough as I get lax with the fiancé and want to take her out
Nice work. You’re keeping diet tight. What if you just did One cheat meal with your fiancé, plan it enjoy it then back to the grind. Cheat meal=refeed. Good for the metabolism.
Got some catching up

Saturday- weighed in 227.4

Had a cheat meal with the fiancé, probably totaled 2500 cals for the day

Sunday- no weigh in. Cheated here and there, more carbs and less protein than I would’ve liked. Pretty much took a day to relax, pretty much did nothing but hang at home. Got away from the work phone and work computer so that was nice. Back to the grindstone today. Weighed myself this morning and put on a few pounds of water over the weekend but should shed right off in a day or two. Hoping to get to 225 by the end of the week. A lot of the weight I’ve dropped is water so weight loss should start slowing soon
You got this brother 2.4lbs you can go bust a nut probably and drop that you got this brother.

I believe that your cheat meal will help you see more weight loss faster keeps the body dropping weight with refeeds
5/10/21- 229.2

Put on some water weight over the weekend, those 2lbs should come off in a day or two

Cals 1878


Got a hour in on the stationary bike this morning.

Evening training
Push day
Incline press 4 sets 8-12
Incline DB flys 4 sets 12-15
Shoulder press 4 sets 8-12
Cable side raises- 5 sets 8-12
Cable chest flys- 4 sets 12-15
Dip machine- 3 sets 8-12
Single arm extensions- 3 sets 12-15

30 min treadmill after

Decent day, for a Monday. Work is staying busy. I mentally feel better starting this week. Had some work stuff bug me from last week and spent the weekend away from work to reset a bit. Feel much better and clearer in the head.