SB Labs

PNWMUSCLE 2021 Spring Log

I feel you on not wanting to bring attention to myself haha. Anyway your dosages look good but what I’m worried about is the calories your eating. Your at 1800 or so at 4 weeks in, where will you go once you plateau? 1500? Just seems super low to me. For example I’m getting my calories up to 5k a day before I start cutting. This way I can drop to 4700 and lose weight and once I plateau I have room to keep dropping the calories without getting so low I’m craving every food known to man.
Just something to think about.
Yeah I’m playing that as it goes. I know with the cardio plus calories it seems really low, but it’s whats worked for me. Plus I get pretty lax on weekends so my average might actually be in the 2000-2200. Being strict we will see how it goes.
And for clarity I didn’t mention, I’ve been cutting for a while and have been tapering my calories down. Started losing weight in August. Dropped from close to 260 to where I am now. Originally had my cals up near 3000, and have dropped them little by little as this has come along
Wanted to share my meals for the 1850 cals a day I’m doing. I eat 6 meals and keep them all low cal and as much volume as possible. Crazy how’s much food it is for so little calories.

Meal 1: 530am
8 egg whites, scrambled up with a few cherry tomatoes and spinach
.5 cup oats with cinnamon, zero cal brown sugar substitute, and sugar free maple syrup
286 calories

Meal 2: 10am
4oz cooked chicken breast
170g salad mix
30g bolthouse ranch dressing
262 calories

Meal 3: 1pm
4oz cooked eye of round steak
100g broccoli
269 calories

Meal 4: 330pm
4oz cooked chicken breast
200g russet potato
30g sugar free bbq sauce
386 cal

Meal 5: 7pm
5.5 oz salmon
150g white rice
170g zucchini
473 cal

Meal 6: 8pm
170 g fat free Greek yogurt
12g walnuts
168 cal

All meals pretty much stay the same except for #5 as that’s dinner with the fiancé and depending on what she’s cooking is what we have.
I understand I was just curious if you were sticking to something

I believe that it will work out great possibly going to hate not eating more lol I know I hate cutting.
I believe that can keep you full especially because you spread it out really well brother
I have that issue with carbs but during a cut the way you have things spread out and small but big enough to keep you full throughout the day.
That’s going to make it much easier and get you to your goals. Most others should follow a plan like this because this is what works.
Question on the amount of d3 you take. Have you tested levels recently?
It may be what’s needed but I’d ask for a recheck. Do you know what your levels were before treatment? Only ask because too much d3 can be problematic also
I’ll have to see. When I started my TRT he had me do the 50,000 ius 2x per week for a bit. Then 10,000 per day now. I’ll update you guys next time I get bloods done with them