SB Labs

Poppy’s Mesterolone and Methenolone Enanthate Cycle Along With Hormone Replacement

Lord that would be great! I would like to drop some fats and maybe carbs. I have a tad more body fat I would like to shed in the next 6 weeks.

This diabetes thing has me in a quagmire. The meds wipe out my blood sugar so I need to keep carbs in me to function and NOT go hypoglycemic BUT I can’t have too many so I can keep my a1c down.

I really don’t want to drop down past 200lbs.
I just briefly searched “bodybuilding and diabetes” and skimmed through unfortunately a bunch of nonsense. Very generic. They did mention a few IFBB guys with diabetes. I’ll poke around later to look to see what they do for meal plans and strategies. If I find anything that might be useful I’ll post it
I’ve looked around and ended up frustrated.

I’d be in your debt if you found anything useful.