Poppy’s Mesterolone and Methenolone Enanthate Cycle Along With TRT


Staff member
Here is my new log counting down to my goal date of September 15th.

Testosterone Cypionate 125mg e3d

Mesterolone 50mg a day (proviron)

Methenolone 400mg a week (primobolon)

Cialis 10mg a day

Monday is Standing OHP, heavy lats and traps , lite shoulders, bis and tris

Wednesday is lower body and abs

Friday is Bench Press, heavy shoulders, lite pulling, abs, heavy tris some bis

Saturday is posterior chain

All other days is some sort of conditioning
More info:

I started one year ago at 220ish…

My goals were

to get a handle on my a1c. Mission accomplished brought it down from 10.6 to 6.3.

Keep/maintain my overall health in a satisfactory to great condition. Blood labs prove this to be accomplished.

Lose “some” bf… mission accomplished mostly. I have some abs and still fill out my xl shirts and pants in the right spots.

Maintain a body weight of at least 200 pounds. Mission accomplished.

Maintain some sort of respectful strength. This is relative. I’ll be the judge of this. Hahaha

I have about 4 weeks to go and blood labs tomorrow. So everything is still on the table.

My overall health and well-being is probably my #1 goal.
When I checked in here with a terrible a1c and had a proposed cycle…

@NeuroRN and @TBU jumped my azz (gently… kind of).

My point is there’s good info and advice on here. Don’t ask or present something if you don’t want to hear alternative ideas/opinions.
Todays training

Got tired of bench press. So moved crap off of incline bench and did those for first time in years.

135 for 5 sets of 8 medish close grip. I was trying to use mr. Meadows and @PHD training video.

Mucho back shoulders bis tris neck abs.



I’m a sweat hog brother… this winter when it’s 30 degrees out I’ll be out there with the door open and no shirt.

Weather is just weather to me.