Here is my new log counting down to my goal date of September 15th.
Testosterone Cypionate 125mg e3d
Mesterolone 50mg a day (proviron)
Methenolone 400mg a week (primobolon)
Cialis 10mg a day
Monday is Standing OHP, heavy lats and traps , lite shoulders, bis and tris
Wednesday is lower body and abs
Friday is Bench Press, heavy shoulders, lite pulling, abs, heavy tris some bis
Saturday is posterior chain
All other days is some sort of conditioning
Testosterone Cypionate 125mg e3d
Mesterolone 50mg a day (proviron)
Methenolone 400mg a week (primobolon)
Cialis 10mg a day
Monday is Standing OHP, heavy lats and traps , lite shoulders, bis and tris
Wednesday is lower body and abs
Friday is Bench Press, heavy shoulders, lite pulling, abs, heavy tris some bis
Saturday is posterior chain
All other days is some sort of conditioning