SB Labs

Poppy’s Mesterolone and Methenolone Enanthate Cycle Along With TRT

Sitting here starving waiting for labs. The lab is open and I checked in but phlebotomist is nowhere to be found.

I think the trt doc hosed up his side of the labs. Looks like just my regular doctors order is here.

I don’t see anything on the order that says total t.

Does anyone know if it falls under comprehensive metabolic panel?
I just got home. Cheez louise. The hospital is extremely understaffed due to covid. They’re not staffing the lab on Saturday now. I had to wait an hour for a fella to come down. Not good for a fasting diabetic.

The trt docs office didn’t call labs in like they said. The hospital couldn’t find them. Sooooo i had diabetic regular labs this morning. I’ll have to back next month for trt labs. At least those won’t be fasted.
It’s getting ridiculous. All businesses are understaffing due to Covid. Even hospital. It’s all about money and they make up the lame ass excuse about Covid.
Idk how true that is tho. Like, my friend was trying to get LASIK follow up and they told her they were understaffed so she’s have to wait a bit. When she asked why, they told her 2/3 of the office walked out when told that covid vax was mandatory.
Still a choice you can find other employment. People have freedom of choice there is also just consequences with choices.
May be a choice but definitely strongarmed into it. Finding other employment means starting over and definitely cannot afford that with kids.
Well such is life my friend didn’t take any of your freedoms but on bright side with only fans shutting down sexual content all jobs will be filled soon
I’m going to quit posting my macros just because it’s just some minor bs and taking up space and time.

Zero exercise today. Major projects around here.