SB Labs

Poppy’s Mesterolone and Methenolone Enanthate Cycle Along With TRT

Oh yeah AND wife has to go in office Monday and Tuesday so this morning looked like the home alone scene when they’re late for their flights.
No sir. I’ve never had bp issues. It wanders a little high occasionally like today. But it is always great for the most part.

I’ve been monitoring it very regularly since 2012 per my docs suggestion.

Do you have bp issues?

It’s not to be trifled with…nasty stuff that’ll cause all kinds of problems.
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It drifts around. I’ve had lots of medical appointments and they’ve said my bp is pretty good most of the time. The last time I had it checked near the end of the day and they said it was borderline. But for the most part I’m pretty good.
Todays training

Belt squat

Still playing with it.

Combination of knees over toes and leaning back. 4 plates x 24, 3 plates x 14, 2 plates x14… 3 plates x 16 for 2 sets.

Abs and calves.

Hobbled around yard x 3
Love belt squats ever since I used the pit boss belt machine at Pros gym. I was able to more than double my weight with no pain at all. If I get any money at all from the competition I’ve designated it for a belt squat machine.

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