SB Labs


I did push-ups with feet elevated, wide hands, semi narrow hands then 30 minutes on the bike and one legged calf raises. It felt great! I feel like a different person. Working out keeps me sane. The doc said nothing weight bearing and nothing using the back. Tomorrow I’ll try band rows, one arm and double. I don’t think I use my lower back much on those. I’ll stick to the bike for cardio since it was the treadmill that messed me up, all that repetitive pounding on the spine walking fast at an incline.
Poppy, I decided to shave after my workout. I looked like a chimpanzee. I shaved back, shoulders, chest, abs, cut my hair short with the trimmer, and dyed my goatee brown. I almost look human again. 😀
Bw this am at 4 am. 189


Heavy bag 50 whacks

SS with

Zercher squats with slosh pipe 15 reps

1 round half speed warm up

3 rounds wide open zero rest
Slosh pipe racks on dip handles nicely. No need to take gloves off.

Nope… hold the pipe in crutch of your arms and squat (zercher). It’s not heavy… filled about 2/3-3/4 with water so it sloshes back and forth. Abs (core) control it. great workout to strengthen midsection.

You can do walking lunges with it like this or across back like squat. Extremely brutal. Not heavy just hard to control.