Has anyone here ever preloaded pins for say a week? Or longer? Wanted to get people’s thoughts on setting up for the week. I usually prep everything on a Sunday, load for Monday Wednesday Friday. That way I can use one 18ga draw needle for 3 barrels. I pin new 23ga on each barrel. I just wanted to make sure that’s clear. New barrels. New needles for each barrel. Now I’ve done this for a while, no problems. I’m very careful. I prep the surface I’m working on with alcohol. Wash hands throughly with antibacterial soap. Wipe vial with alcohol pad. Draw for the week. Cap with new Pin and do not break cap seal. Pack barrel in needle in package. And place in a locked, clean barrel holding container. Kind of like the Mexico pre loaded idea. But I know who’s done the prep.
. Anyways. Anyone else do this or am I living dangerously. FYI. Been doing this for years. Helps me prepare each week and keep my logs straight.