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President Trump says he wants PEDS testing for the debate

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This is crazy but then you really think about it and how crazy is it debating is considered a competition which basically makes it a sport.
So why not try to gain every edge possible???
Biden could be taking anything from modafinil to adderall or even stronger amphetamines.

I honestly don’t think its so crazy its been proven that Hitler was taking meth and morphine.
Its been proven that jfk and his wife use to get shots of all sorts of drugs to keep them going.

Im sure that many more politicians use drugs that are from doctors and I believe they also take drugs not from doctors.

Should WADA be taking drug samples from the presidential nominees before the debates to make sure that no one is taking performance enhancing drugs??

Let me know because I almost believe that it should be done what does everyone else believe?
So then what good does testing do when you say well here’s my script
An interesting thought. I guess really it’s more of should the American people know the general health of the candidates? If so, knowing what drugs the candidate is taking would fall into that.

Not sure what medical privacy is like for the President, but what the hell is privacy these days anyway.
They fall under HIppa laws but im sure that anything about the president is national security and definitely top secret.
It’s not healthy to carry all that hate around, for two groups a people buddy, may I suggest, a hatred for one group, it’s more easily managed within the mental facilities, and less stress physically,great as a sleep aid, if you sign up at JohnHatesIraquis, you can condense all that anger and discontent into one!
Oh I hate the two party system not necessarily the people them self. It leads to divisiveness and people seem to half to tow the party line and not think for themselves on different issues
Regardless of script or not I think they both should be tested and let the public know. Biden goes off the deep end with mistakes and not knowing where he is half the time. If he needs meds to function for a debate and not given them during normal business or functioning then it needs to be known. The people who control his meds could easily stop giving him meds or give him placebo so they can control his decisions. I think that’s the main problem with Biden as a whole.

I’ve taken amphetamines and will say I fucking loved them. Snorting that shit put me on a whole different level when it came to productivity. Coming down was a bitch tho and not having access.

The famous mathematician Paul Erdos swore by them. Paul Erdős | Hungarian Mathematician & Number Theory Pioneer | Britannica
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