So I’m on 400mg of test c a week. I take 200 of my trt dose and 200 of mine. But should I drop the ai my trt doctor had me on it’s 1mg anastrozole. She had me on it when I started trt and my estrogen wasn’t even high when I started
No unless blood work says that you are ok if your estrogen is controlled by adex you can continue and by supplementing more testosterone you will have more estrogen.
I would stick with it until blood work around wk 4-5
Cool I was just checking cause she put me in it when I first started then got bloods after 3 months and I was good. I was always just curious why she put me on it to start with cause my estrogen was normal I just had low test. Maybe like a precaution thing or something?
Yes supplementation is going to raise your estrogen because your testosterone levels were low you were prescribed testosterone which raised your levels also raising your e2 but because of adex its in range adding more testosterone again will add more e2 we just don’t know how much
Adex is also an AI that controls e2 it doesn’t destroy it which is good in your situation because you can go up and down but still fall back into range after your cycle
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