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Question about fertility while on cycle

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I just wanted to get a few opinions on trying to have kids while on cycle. I’ve haven’t done any PEDs yet but was learning about them to start my first cycle. The wife wants to start trying for kids soon so Should I wait until she’s pregnant or will I be ok to start a cycle now? Is there anything I should stay away from? Thanks guys
Well young man! 😉 me and my wife conceived our first girl while we were both on cycle lol soooo idk if I believe all the hype. But HCG and kisspeptin seem to be the route to keep them nuts low and the swimmers strong.
@Unpopularmoonstar lets start with some clincal questions as i never want to see someone miss out on fatherhood or have a difficulty concieving a child. That will cause alot of stress in your marriage.

1.) What is your age? Weather its 18 or 80 this is a place you can discuss and get proper guidance. So dont be afraid to say a age.

2.) Any prior history with having trouble getting pregnant on either side of the family tree for both you and your wife?

3.) Any histroy with major drug dependence or anti depressants?

Thank you as i know these are very deep questions in a open forum.
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I am 27 and my wife is 26. There isn’t any known history of issues but my wife does have pcos. We don’t have any history of dependency and neither of us is on antidepressants. We don’t take any prescriptions. I was thinking about just running test for a cycle and whatever would be good with it for a newbie for a first cycle.
I have tested and researched everything @Optumpharma has told me or recommended to me. And everytime I follow his advice it ends up fitting my goals or helps injuries or bloods. I think he is a doctor in real life. Lol. In my opinion OP is the best guy you can get info from anywhere. I have asked about doing some things that bro-science suggests and he has told me otherwise even though he loses sales for it. YES!!! He has recommended against me buying certain compounds knowing my situation and goals.
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I’m glad Mr OP chimed in, I was looking for Articles and theres so many different opinions. I would trust the doc.
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@Unpopularmoonstar thank you for the details.

I would like to see a 12 week test cyp cycle but we have to maintain healthy testical function.

This would look like this below.
Test cyp 200- 1cc monday and 1cc thursday
Arimidex 1mg- .25 mg Tuesday and .25mg Friday
Kisspeptin- 100mcg daily during the duration of cycle and pct.

Pct would be standard nolvadex, clomid and kisspeptin.

We could always sub hcg in over kisspeptin as it is cheaper and a age old trialed and true compound as well.

But this above will help not only preserve natural functions the best we can without shutting your testicals down.

All the best!
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Hcg and provirin also pt141 peptide, the peptide for both of yous horn as hell may cause a migraine. Any ways cheers wear boxers not white tights keeps your boys cool and production up. Cheers. Oh yeah if she goes for fertility treatment…look out for twins
Man it doesn’t get any better then that, it’s all laid out for you brotha. I followed his protocol for my last cycle and it went smooth. A few learning curves for me but you can’t go wrong with OP’s suggestions from my experience. I haven’t seen this type of interactions on any other forum!!
Can’t speak for cycles but long term trt. Will lower sperm count for sure I had little to no fertility and had to do invetro the standard fix for it was 5000iu hcg per week with 50 mg clomid per day for six months
I would do one or the other. If she got pregnant while your on cycle you’d have two people whose hormones are out whack! Unless this is not your first child and you got a feel for how she is going to be then maybe
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