Really need advice on how to proceed with cycle

I’m very glad you are being coachable here brother. I’m very happy also that you found us in time before you permanently hurt yourself or worse. You have a lot of years ahead of you and this is a marathon not a sprint. Follow these guys advice here and you WILL hit your goals bro!!! Stick around brother glad to have ya!!!
To reinforce the warnings about nor-19 compounds such as deca: I ran it stupidly when I was 39, screwed up my pct, and it took a very knowledgeable TRT doc nearly a year to get my natural test levels back afterward. I came precariously close to being on TRT for life at 39, and I really didn’t want to do that. At 26, that point has even more force.

Not to beat a dead horse, but definitely terminate the cycle, do proper PCT, then check your levels. Diet, cardo, and lose some BF%. Then when you are ready, and if your test levels indicate that you really need it, run Test E or C 500mg each week, divided into EOD doses. Have your AI on hand in case you need it. Eat clean and work hard–things you already know how to do given your amazing weight loss and strength progress. Just my $.02.
Hey man I would cut weight if I was in your position. We all have been there, calorie deficit, low carb, no sugar, moderate fats. I would also not use any wet compounds that can make me retain a lot of water.

Probably drop the d bol, any oral really, run test n cut with that for a bit. Once you drop a bit of weight add mast or maybe eq or something like npp. I wouldn’t do any orals but a lot of people cut with clen so it’s just up to you and how your body reacts to certain compounds.
Just to add to what the others have said
Always start with labs. Period! No excuse to not draw labs
What’s your body fat? I’m guessing north of 20%. Lose some bodyfat first that will have a few positive effects. Lower your BP and estrogen.
You don’t need anything exotic to get started. Test, NPP will do you fine then like @Bigmurph said add Mast in.
Remember KISS
Keep it simple stupid. I’m not insulting you it’s just an acronym.
Cut your cals back, add in some steady state cardio as well as come HIIT training that will also help with bodyfat.
There are inherent risks in what we do but don’t make foolish decisions based on bro science.
Labs, test your gear, clean diet make a safe and appropriate cycle for the future
Yeah I cut 50 pounds before I started my first cycle and I think it gave me great diet habits that help me get the best out of cycles.