SB Labs

Rusty’s pre cycle prep

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Today’s conditioning workout

3 rounds minimum rest if any between sets

Pistols 10
Knees to elbows 12
Goblet squat 40lbs 10
Side plank each side 25 sec
Sandbag step ups 40lbs 10
Reverse crunch 15
DB lunges 50 lbs 10
DB Side bends?? 25lbs 15/side

Total time 22 minutes

Any input on other types exercises I can substitute some of these for different days??

@Poppy @NeuroRN @John @Dirtnasty
Love handles aren’t muscles and spot fat loss isn’t a thing you could work abs everyday and they’ll never show if you don’t get lean all around
Careful with those weighted obliques. Depends on the look you want. I hit mine a bit too hard during the flash competition and my waist size went up a couple inches.
Honestly if you want the leaner look skip abs I say. People would be surprised a lot of those guys on stage only work abs by posing for risk of getting bigger
I actually practice vacuum pose and stomach crunch never actually do abs
The last thing I want to do is get a size bigger pants lol. I’m hoping to eventually get into a 36. Currently 38. Don’t want to go back up to 40s.
Hahahaha. In my late 20s I was in 34. That would be awesome if I could get down to that and still weigh 245. You have a very big frame my friend. You said sixth grade hahahaha. You as a sixth grader were probably stronger than I am now lol.
Better be careful this new Latina chick may stab you for saying she already seems to be very possessive and thinks I’m trying to sleep with all the woman. She isn’t wrong but it’s a bit early for jealous tendencies
You know I forgot I have a shit ton of dbol I got some from the first bogo plus the stuff from laser. I don’t want to waste it so I think I am gonna use that in place of tbol at least for this cycle. I also have var. I wonder if I do a 16 week cycle of NPP and test if I can use both. Like first eight weeks use dbol and second eight weeks use the var or vice versa??? @Bigmurph
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