SB Labs

Rusty’s pre cycle prep

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Seven point bf checks before and throughout cycle. My weight only changed by five pounds but my composition changed quite a bit. Do bf checks is the only way to really know progress. Once a guy knows his bf then he can calculate ffmi and that’s where I gained 14 pounds was my ffmi.
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Murph gave an excellent answer here.

I cannot attest to the NPP DHB combo. I fully intend on running that cycle as it will be my two favorite compounds.

I am loving DHB. As always pin ED gets old. But, if you’re looking for something new, give DHB a whirl. If not stick with what you love. I don’t think you can go wrong either with between NPP and DHB.
Ya dhb excites me. How long can a guy run that for? Not sure if am gonna do dhb or tbol. Def test and NPP for
I’m running it for 12. Maybe extend a couple more weeks and add NPP or the devils piss with it to finish things out.
Nice. I have a short time to figure it out lol. Both options seem great to me. If I use dhb will that take away some of the aromatase of the other compounds?
No it will probably add to the aromatization. As it will free up some test for aromatization.

Most guys I saw said they had to increase their AI with DHB.

Most of the cycles I’ve seen with DHB are roughly with trt dose of test. I ran tpp/NPP equal dose last cycle with no issue so I know I can run lower test with 19 nor.

I also don’t like to dose anything real high anyway.
Remember dhb is really

1-testosterone cypionate @Rusty do research on 1-testosterone its an oral and is extremely strong. Its what dhb is dhb is just a brand name.

If you research 1-testosterone you will find out more about the compound but remember its different now because of the addition of the cypionate ester.
Got it!! Thanks for the info bro. I don’t wanna just flip a coin to decide things like this so I try to take everything into account.

Been on the wall of my gym for over 10 years
What’s a good body workout for love handles ?? Obliques. I’m making a new circuit training for today cause gym is filled with kids so gonna do it from home. I already have side planks in there. @Poppy @NeuroRN @Bigmurph @Kad1 gimme some ideas guys.
What @NeuroRN said. I’ve started doing some conditioning (cool way to say cardio) first thing in am upon waking. Seems to be doing the trick…along with watching what I put in my cake hole.
I have a buddy thats been a pro strength and conditioning coach for almost 40 years. His credentials are way off the charts…he reminds me of the conditioning side occasionally. Hahaha
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