SB Labs

Rusty’s pre cycle prep

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Well it may change to 100 bounces cause I’m meeting a 90 pounder and I want it standing
Damn 90 pounder that’s my favorite. Carry her around like a six pack. You can do curls with her easy. Hahaha
Always good to have a reservation. You dirty dog you. Or just hit them both. Get the second one when the juices from the first one are still on your dick hahahahahaha.
Ok rusty I wore protection so the cleaning part isn’t as big a deal see if I get picked up by second chick though
240 this morning. Lightest I’ve been since before I started gear I think 🤔 Second day intermittent fasting gonna see where it takes me for two weeks then next cycle. Still not 100 percent sure what to do. I like the idea of doing dhb/cut with mct. And NPP 400 mg per week then what would my test be for that? Anything else I should add? The other thing I was thinking is maybe tbol in place of dhb. I’d like to do a cycle for at least twelve weeks. Any input @NeuroRN @Bigmurph or anyone else? My goal is to add at least 20 pounds muscle without much chunk!!
Funny to think at one point we were only ten pounds apart this last year. But you were definitely a lot stronger pound for pound
You know that’s my favorite cycle test e,npp,tbol

If you want to add 20lbs of muscle in one cycle its going to take alot more most people gain 6-10lbs of mass in a cycle.
You have to start messing with slin and other products to start putting on more muscle and its not worth it better to slim and gain muscle keep that going through a blast and cruise then you will eventually get 20lbs
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I would recommend 16wk instead of 12wks because of using nandrolone especially if you don’t plan on cruising or going back to trt.

Testosterone enanthate 500wk-750mg split 2x 250mg/ml 1-16wks
Npp 10wks 300-450mg split 3x mon,wed,fri
Tbol 50mg split ed for 6wks you can go to 8wk if your mid cycle blood work shows that you can keep going safely.
Proviron 1-18wks ed 50mg split 25mg 2x a day for as long as you can run 18wks would be perfect.
Aromasin or another AI I would use aromasin if you are definitely going to do blood work. If not use adex just to control it and hopefully don’t crash your estrogen. I’ve been able to make it through this cycle without needing an AI and I’ve needed one badly running the same cycle its all about quality of products but test and nandrolone like to aromatase so definitely pick the AI that fits your goals. I also while not running an AI always use nolvadex 20mg ed to make sure I don’t have gyno issues if gyno symptoms arise while using nolvadex get e2 and p2 blood work done very cheap and very important you will need to know if you need aromasin or caber?

That cycle above is just a cycle those compounds won’t work unless you make them work by eating the correct diet you can cut or bulk with npp its an amazing compound.
If you cut with it don’t get confused like some you won’t cut muscle at all you will cut bf and grow muscle at the same time.
DIET Is so important in this cycle I’ve run it 4x and I believe that the best results I ever got from it were because I actually ate an entire seafood diet and occasionally I would have chicken or turkey but I ate no red meat and my protein was around 400g you know me and my protein. 400g of real food also I ate alot of tilapia and catfish it sucked but I would treat myself with better fish alot sword fish, tuna steak, mahi, and so on there’s alot of seafood out there and I believe that it cut me up so much my bf was really low like 11% that’s amazing for me so make sure that you plan your diet as strong as possible full of protein and carbs lighter just enough for your energy intake.

You will be amazed the best gains I made were 12lbs of actual muscle I consider that really good. If the pros gained 20lbs a cycle considering that they run year round they would be putting on say 80lbs of muscle a year lol that would be crazy.
I do know someone that gained 40lbs of actual muscle mass using alot of compounds but his nutrition for that cycle was also professionally done.
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Very detailed thanks a lot brother. I have adex and nolvadex. I only have maybe 3 tabs of caber. So I’ll use adex. 16 weeks sounds good to me. I think last time I ran a similar cycle w/o tbol I gained 14 pounds of muscle. But that was also my first cycle.
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