SB Labs

Rusty’s pre cycle prep

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Hahaha. If you nibble on the clen it will keep you awake?? I’m fucked then cause I nibbled on the one I bought bogo and the one from early summer that I never finished to make sure they are the same taste. Which they are.
Naw I’ll just wait for test kit cause taste could be fillers and what not so would feather know for leg it’s
Ya definitely. I agree. Was just curious if it was the same thing or different. But testing you will know for sure what it is. Please keep me posted.
Oh my issue is I don’t notice clen till real high dose bother than sweating a bit more. So spreading 160 out through the day May have gave me. But if hand jitter and I wood have thought nothing of it
Gonna up my clen to 120 per day. I keep bouncing from 139 to 142. Am at caloric deficit and exercising and intermittent fasting. It is better than what it was bouncing between 145 and 150. But have one week to get down to 135 or less to reach my goal. On the upside my shoulders and arms feel and look fuller than before I started diet.
Protein of the day

I wait for this to go on sale. I’ll get 12 ounce bags for less than six bucks. It’s already cooked and everything. I’ll buy a dozen at a time then. Just take it out of the freezer the night before and put in fridge. Boom done!!! So easy
If I go by the week it’s only a couple pounds per week. Well whatever it is I’m starting my next cycle next week fuck it!! I’ll do the best I can between now and then and just eat very clean during the cycle.
When I was 300 I was just shooting for 3 a week now that last week of cut for competition I lost more cuase I dehydrated myself really bad for final pic.
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