Second Cycle Log | Test E 300mg/week + Var | Advice Welcome

All that being said…everyone is different. 300 a week might effect me differently than you. You might feel great at 700 a week whereas I feel like crap. Throwing more test in your body does NOT always equate to more gains.
So it’s more of if you’ve met your maximum potential at that dose. Think of your muscular potential at different levels. Natty will have you at a baseline muscular potential. Once you max that out and add let’s say 300mg of gear, it raises that potential. Once you max that potential out, then you need 500mg to exceed.

So you don’t build up a tolerance, more it’s just adaptation your body has made that you would require more for the same benefit. Just like calories. If you were 200 lbs and X amount of calories put on size, you might not be putting on as much size at 220+ as your body needs have changed, not that you developed a calorie intolerance
I read an article somewhere that stated your body needs a certain amount of test to maintain a certain amount of muscle which is why when guys go off cycle they deflate unless they cruise. Just an article never substantiated it.
It’s easier to maintain than build. I can maintain my size with. Cruise dose but probably wouldn’t be able to add anything at this point.
This is exactly what I meant when I said I wanted to stay around 300mg for now & build the tolerance. I know 500mg would do even better. But this is only my second cycle, my first was 300mg flat no other compounds, this will be 300mg + Var. the 300mg worked beautifully.

So this cycle I’ll be running 300mg again, then we will see how it goes with the Var. After all is said & done, then we will see what the next one will be 👀
I’m far to worried about taking something like Tren. I am only taking 300mg of Test. I still am building my way up to 500mg lol. For now we are just going to run 300mg of test with 25-50mg of Var.
Did you like the results you got from running Test + Var? Did you see a significant difference between that compared to Test alone?
I would choose TBOL over Var every single time. Rarely faked, way less expensive, way more size and strength gains to me had. If you get decent Var it’s fine cycle… but I always preferred oral turinabol
For me, any oral is infinitely worse than the most potent injectable. I protect my liver values jealously these days, thanks to advice from @NeuroRN and the resulting Glutathione use. So for me, 350mg of tren per week hurts me a lot less than 25-50mg of Var ED. And frankly, Var made me temporarily look a little more cut, that was about it. Tren does that, too, but also confers strength gains. Given your age, however, I wouldn’t wade into Tren or Var. Personally, for your next run, I would up your test to 500mg per week and see how that treats you.
I’m like @herrubermensch to a point. I have to be very particular with orals…guarding my liver with extreme prejudice.

I also agree that because you tolerated testosterone so well that a 500mg cycle next might be a better choice. Then readdress the orals after that.