Second Cycle Log | Test E 300mg/week + Var | Advice Welcome

i like protein pasta(chickpea or other) and 93% ground beef and spaghetti sacue,
breakfast 200g egg whites, 2 whole eggs, canadian bacon, and a english muffin
greek yogurt with blueberries

try some fish maybe

and i love jasmine rice
I take some BP meds that affect sodium so my doc said to eat more salt as it was low last check-up, Im having a teaspoon preworkout now.
I’ve been reading up on the vertical diet. Stan is pro increased sodium intake for healthy individuals too. He’s where I got the idea for diced tomatoes instead of cause. He claims it’s the oils etc in the sauce, I don’t really care. I don’t have a beach ball when I eat rice noodles and tomatos instead of regular pasta and red sauce.
Had a neurologist suggest this when I was a kid, and I’ve done it ever since. It worked better once I had surgery and no longer extra pressure on my cerebellum, now it works almost every time.

Firstly, thank you all for the food suggestions, going to Kroger as we speak. So thank you for that @Poppy @NeuroRN @Rusty

Secondly, brother, I was worried that I wasn’t going to tolerate or feel anything with VAR. Thankfully, I felt it with 25mg for the first 2 weeks, now that I have updated to 50mg daily (first day today)… BROTHER, this shit is wild 😂 maybe it’s because this is only my second cycle & the ONLY thing I’ve taken outside of 300mg of TEST. But, I feel fucking great, today I pushed myself to absolute failure on chest & tore shit up.

Lastly, as far as an actual update. I feel good, starting this week I’m forcing myself to eat some damn greens, I’m so bad about it. Also, I have switched my training to staying around 10 reps instead, so I can really start going heavier rather than 12-15 reps.

This was today, I will update with another photo this Friday, also, I will update with my weight at the end of the week.
UPDATE | 3rd week on 50mg VAR

Firstly, I’ve been sick the past like 5 days so working out has been spotty but I still am doing body weight stuff. I did get to hit the gym today & yesterday so only like 4 days of rest. Sucks but it needed to happen.

Secondly, I feel stronger, feel like I’m getting significantly wider, I have had people at my job ask if I’ve gotten wider, even had a guy ask if I got stung by a lot of bees?🤔 very interesting comment

Lastly, about 2/3 through the cycle, I haven’t been eating as much as I’d like but I am getting the protein in daily regardless. But here’s what you are really looking for. Here is a progress photo from today, going to hit Legs before thanksgiving tomorrow, so I will try to post that tomorrow :call_me_hand:t3:

As always, HAPPY THANKSGIVING & I hope y’all are all kicking some fucking ass in the gym, questions/comments drop them below :muscle:t3:
