September 26th edition of diets and bodybuilding

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Staff member
Good morning all.i got drunk last night with my dad,so neither one of us felt like working this morning.So were goin to the local diner.Not sure about lunch or dinner.No gym.
Today I am thankful for electrolytes.Hope everyone has fun at work today suckas!
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Today eggs and venison for breakfast.
Lunch was handful of cashews.

Diner red cabbage and carrot slaw with pulled ginger chicken and rice.


Training upper body today. Light to moderate weight slow tempo.
Holding it up horizontal to break apart concrete fence/wall was no joke. Exhausted now.
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Freebird as well I can hear the solo playing I should not only the bags on top have the full chicks I thinks we got 35. The rest is actually raws we will use to make product
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TG said:
She’s growing so fast. Even came out today with her gloves to help clean up and throw away rubble lol.
Love it!!! I remember when my kids were young having them spread out stones so I could choose what I was gonna use building pillars. They would scrape floors, sweep floors, pick up nails after roofing or siding, help clean up(which usually sucked cause they always put tools and supplies in wrong places or all just in buckets lol) help prep, etc. but the best was helping track deer blood trails as their eyes were better and they were way closer to the ground @John hahahaha. Miss those days so much. Enjoy them while you can.
Definitely bro. Like even when it slows me down cause I have to lift her up with the rocks so she can throw them in the dump trailer herself 😆. She’s just excited cause she “helps” lol.
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