Serious Question Regarding Covid Virus

@Kad1 that looks amazing! Makes the Porterhouse I ate look like chopped liver (and I love a good porterhouse, best 2 cuts of steak in one!).

I’m tired of hearing about the flu shot…
I had chopped raw liver hahahaha
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Love porterhouse as well. Yeah I’m tired of hearing everything Covid related. It’s a fucking excuse for everything
We have a lot of that here too, it’s kind of fun to point and laugh at them! Hahaha. Our mask restrictions are gone, but all the businesses are still requiring them in a lot of places, which kind of sucks.
The purpose of the mRNA delivery is that it will result in protein expression of what is claimed to resemble the outer casing of the actual virus so that your immune system can develop a response against the receptors if you do get infected with covid.

I’m really on the fence with getting the “vaccine” as I was always weary with the development of an actual vaccine that will essentially function similar to the flu virus. I have never gotten the flu shot even though it may lessen the symptoms of flu IF they get the right sequence correct that particular year. It’s basically a best educated guess what strain of flu will be present given there are so many variants. Seems this is how this is heading. I’ll take my 99% + probability that I’ll survive should I get covid. I’m mainly worried that this may eventually become mandatory to go places, let alone having to deal with family/friends will likely shame me for not getting it.
@Shock6050 I don’t get flu shots either, however I rarely get sick… I can count on two fingers the times I’ve been sick In the last 10 years. I got pneumonia and bronchitis every year for 4 or 5 years when I was much younger (grade school age in the 80’s) and I haven’t been sick much since then…

@Rusty, I gotta eat my liver cooked, with onions! Just like I gotta eat my gizzards buttermilk fried with salt and pepper!
It’s mainly for
Organ health. It doesn’t taste bad at all. The lime juice actually cooks the meat with acid but there is no heat to destroy the vitamins particularly vitamin A.

Since I’ve had Covid my immune system has been fucked up. Doctors say should pass in six months.
Yeah same here. It is extremely rare for me to get sick, which also is part of my personal reason for not getting the flu shot. Just for all to know I’m not an anti-vaxer, as I as well as all of my kids get the standard vaccines from birth to middle school age. I feel like I’m going to definitely be getting that peer pressure to get scheduled for the covid shot since our state just opened it up for 40 and up. My work has initially come and said it’s not going to make it mandatory, but we will as time passes…they could get superseded by the government which us quite scary if Congress goes that route.
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Curious if others are kind in the same boat and mindset as me, particularly when you are now approved to sign up and get it. Already received a text from one family member telling me my age group is now able to schedule. I could see some downstream affects outside of your job, where you may not be welcome or invited to events held by both friends and family. If this was indeed a one time thing and wouldn’t likely require boosters possibly yearly I probably would just do it, which in a way is sad as I feel it’s important to stand up to personal decisions as to what you subject yourself to in your body. It will kind of be funny and extremely ironic for those that strongly advocate abortion as “my body my choice” but holds a different view for the covid shot (note: I know this isn’t a complete comparative statement, but fairly close).
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@Shock6050 they’re going to open it up to everyone in my state after April 05. I do work in mostly food/pharmaceutical grade plants, as of right now only the packing houses are talking about making it mandatory and I do not work in those, there’s other guys at my company that go work on those shit holes… I as well am not anti vax, nor is my wife, all 3 of our daughters were vaccinated with the normal shit, and our youngest is immune compromised due to a condition she has, however unless one of the places I work makes the shot mandatory to work, I do not see myself getting it any time soon
Yeah I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed but one thing I have plenty of is common sense. Since the Rona has been around that’s the “ONLY” way you can die apparently? All other causes of death had been cut in half.
Then there’s this one that no one can answer cause ppl now days are a bunch of lazy fucks who believe anything they hear cause they don’t care to do the research. How in the HELL is the vaccine 90% effective in less than a year and the flu vaccine isn’t even 40% effective with 60 years of research. Something that kills millions of ppl each year. But that’s just me I’m a hard headed fucker. Lol
Babyhulk0131 said:
How in the HELL is the vaccine 90% effective in less than a year and the flu vaccine isn’t even 40% effective with 60 years of research.
I love this but the science they have released does make sense but this is an extremely good point that I love and I will ask someone in the medical community once I get a chance.

They claim 100% with pfizer
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