SB Labs

The Coronavirus Attacks Fat Tissue, Scientists Find

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If they took away the immunity Pfizer and pharma has for the vaccines and made them liable then you’d see all this shit stop real fast. Pfizer has been caught lying time and time again even penalized by the government for doing so yet now we’re supposed to trust them. Fuck that.
The problem is pfizer is in bed with WHO and World Bank as well. So when a smaller country doesnt want to give them immunity then world bank goes in and “convinces” the country to give pfizer immunity and keep the circle going.

Theyve come out and talked about in a video about the challenges of overcoming pfizers requirements of immunity and working with smaller governments. Its not just funding the project but with holding funds if they dont agree.
I’m just waiting for the day they mandate a third dose in Canada to be able to go to restaurants and shit. I know it’s coming it’s just a matter of time. By the end of 2023 they’ll be 10 doses mandated. By then big pharma will have so much money they can retire and finally leave all of us alone lol
I will say this about phizer there test cyp is off the chain 200mg E5d for my trt put my levels at over 3500 and free test was so high it took two 1/2 weeks to come down enough for the test to read it. My endocrinologist liked to shit a brick. That was all I was doing no HCG AI HGH. Take a shot look like tren veins popping out hell maybe it was tren. I felt fucking great. Blood work was perfect bp was running 116/72 never got to 120/80 And it was not pleasant coming off cold Turkey she wouldn’t give me any more till it came down and and only half dose:) course that was 15yrs ago too those were the good ole’ days.
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