SB Labs

The Coronavirus Attacks Fat Tissue, Scientists Find

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That’s so effed up!!! What now we have no voice no opinions. Our freedoms are being taken away a little at a time
Conservatives and people in middle will have zero voice when they’re done. The far left controls the education system. They control the text books and what people learn. They control the media and social media companies.

The current days are often paralleled to the Orwell novel 1984. Now they’re going to rewrite that as a feminist book.

I don’t see the US ever going back how it was because the middle and right stood by and allowed it to happen little by little.
Unfortunately I agree. They use fear tactics. Everyone is afraid to stand up for what’s right. They hijack things like BLM that everyone is afraid to speak out against cause then your racist. They are literally terrorists. Control by fear.
Exactly! Keep everyone ill from a vaccine that fucks you up. Require life time vaccinations. Big Pharma rakes in money which finances the liberal left agenda.
Big question for me is when they knock on my door to take me to the concentration camp will I shoot every mother fuvker I see or just go peacefully to my death like my brothers and sisters did in Nazi Germany.
12 year old German kid just died from the vaccine after his second dose. Apparently he had a heart condition but his mother forced him to get the vaccine after believing the govt that it would protect him. Autopsy listing vaccine as the cause of death that triggered it.

It’s shit that Pfizer has immunity from any lawsuits.
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I don’t like bon Jovi to much, but now I want to listen to the song where he says,shot down,in a blaze a glory.Sometimes I’d give up both my testicle to go to war again…
I completely agree there is a bullshit agenda being pushed on us and I do completely support the right for people to choose whether they get vaccinated or not. It’s seems people fail to understand any symptoms you could possibly get from this vaccine could never be worse then the virus it’s self. The other other ironic part which I’m sure has been mentioned as some point is that we’re a bunch of bros slamming gear made by god knows who. That are adding god knows what into the mixtures and A lot additives to reduce infection and PIP are not good for your health in any stretch of the imagination.
I had the virus. I’m alive. I know people who had strokes right after getting the vaccine shot and died at the hospital the next day. People who believe this virus is the black plague, for the most part, are people who haven’t contracted covid. A 99.97% survivalbility rate, you would think would be enough for anyone with common sense to realize, it’s not as bad as the liberal media makes it out to be.
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I agree it’s largely over hyped but at the same time. The point is People that got blood claughts from the vaccine would have gotten blood claughts from the virus it’s self. Most likely they would have gotten them much worse.
I know people that are 200lbs over weight that contracted it and only had mild cold like symptoms or no symptoms at all then I know another guy who was maybe 30lbs over weight with a hole in his heart that he was unaware of and got blood claughts and died. It’s kind of fucked up really.
Id give up everything if I knew we had the support for the cause bro. That’s the biggest issue. Honestly
Jonny said:
The other other ironic part which I’m sure has been mentioned as some point is that we’re a bunch of bros slamming gear made by god knows who.
It’s our choice tho and most the stuff are chemicals that have been around a long time. Comparing a product that has been used in the 70s so for 50 years to a product rushed and being experimented on humans right now. But again it’s our choice to do so. One we aren’t forcing on our children.
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