Shoulder Surgery Pre and Post Therapies Suggestions

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So the time has come to schedule surgery for tears in my rotator and labrum. After 2 cortisone shots I’m ready to throw the towel in and get my shoulder fixed. I was in a blindsided collision playing hockey a year ago, and my wing just isnt getting any better. I figure its better to deal with it now before the pretty haired pussyboy Gavin shuts the Goldenstate down completely. And if he does I can at least do it in a sling after surgery.
Is there a therapy you guys recommend to expedite the healing? Maybe BPC and HGH, while on the mend? Maybe stem cell?
My surgeon is saying its more wear than tear. So the recovery might only be a few weeks. However I think its more than that as I have pretty high pain threshold and this was my baseball throwing arm. (catcher) . So I am thinking 12-15 weeks. I am willing to give up and life or lifting gains I have made over the past few years to be able to move my arm out and above my head again. And maybe even do it with weights again.
I’d like to hear what’s worked for some of you guys. Cause this getting old shit aint no fun.I might as well go down swinging.

Thanks in advance

That cocksucker Newsome is a dictator. Good luck with your surgery, I’ve been dealing with severe shoulder pain for a while now, its so painful I can’t sleep or find a comfortable position so I definitely feel your pain. Mine I believe is more arthritis or tendonitis or a combination of both and I’m 33. With that kind of pain you have nothing to lose getting the surgery. I hope you have a speedy recovery.
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I’m going in for rotator cuff and labrum repair on Monday. “Massive” was the first word written on the MRI report. After I shit myself, I finished reading. Full thickness tear, 2 tendons torn off the bone, labrum torn from anterior to posterior. All that from benching. My protocol will be as follows: TRT dose test prop(175mg/week), NPP(200mg/week), anavar(25mg/day), pharma GH(3iu/day) BPC157(500mcg/day), doxycycline for PARP1 inhibition, telmisartan, metformin, mega dose vitamin c and fish oil, hydrolyzed beef collagen(2-3 scoops/day), zinc, D3/K2, bromelain, creatine and probiotic. Glad you asked now?
Oh snap BG
Thanks for the shopping list. I think mine might be on the 8th. We’ll have to compare notes. Hoping its a repair and not a rebuild.
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I’ll check in here periodically. Good decision getting surgery out of the way. Easy decision for me, in that there wasn’t one, actually. Good luck to you, that list I provided you is the result of about 2 weeks spent down the rotator cuff surgery rabbit hole.
BPC 157 250-500mcg daily
Tb500-wil help reduce inflammation 2mg 2x week
10g collagen powder
10g gelatin powder mix both in a shake daily
Tumeric will help with inflammation reduction but will also reduce estrogen so be careful
Hgh will help in the long run

Get you shoulder out of the sling on day one and passive small range of motion.

Never stop doing your physical therapy.

@Dmomuchole I’m pretty sure that’s like the exact wording used by othro’s as for when it’s time for surgery 😂😂😂
I’m just saying… I have a torn labrum in my shoulder and that’s exactly what the doc said when I asked when will I HAVE to get it fixed again.
Yeah I need to get it checked out it’s just strange I don’t feel invincible anymore lol have you got the procedure done and if so has it helped?
I got my labrum fixed in 2007. Tore it again in 2010. I have been on and off BPC and TB for a year or so. I started benching with a slingshot from mark bell and started doing shoulder PT exercises 4 times a week.

I can’t do some stuff in the gym but I can do what I need to.

If it’s so bad you can’t sleep I believe the surgery will be worth it… after rehab is over hahah you will hate the world during PT but it will be worth it for quality of life later.
I couldn’t barbell bench at all. My shoulders hurt too bad. That allowed me to strengthen everything around it. My most recent 315x10 is a testament to how well it works. That was without the slingshot of course.

It’s supposed to reduced 15-17% of the load at the bottom. It helps build tremendous strength. I would give it a shot while you’re chasing those big numbers.
Guys at gym have hem and sweat it helps shoulders cause it keeps you tucked
I’m going to have to relearn the movement, I guess. My injury occurred benching. I thought my form was pretty solid, but, no way I could’ve done that amount of damage with correct form. Was considering the sling shot pre injury. I’m sure it will be of some benefit, but, do you think it would help me develop proper cues to keep tight form when I shed it?
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