Shoulder Surgery Pre and Post Therapies Suggestions

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Didn’t matter how much I dosed. Was dosing at night, in the absence of insulin, did nothing. If they made a GH that allowed me to sleep on my back, that would probably work 😉
6 week post op visit, can do 1 active ROM movement, start PT next week. I was told I’m well ahead of where I should be or where the surgeon thought I would be. So, some of this shit is working. Unfortunately, there’s so much shit, I have no idea what. Surgeon also said he’s never seen a tear this big in someone under 75. So, grain of salt on the progress, I guess. Referred to my particular injury as a “bald eagle’,” which apparently means there was nothing there when he looked with the scope. Good stuff. Stopped at the gym on the way home with my sling on. Yes, I’m doing one arm exercises for all you who did a double take…fuck off 🙂
Had my 1st post op yesterday. I got to ask a ton of questions as I was in lala land when the surgeon stopped in after the surgery. Labrum was repaired. Luckily only one anchor was needed to repair the rotator. A massive bone spur was removed from my shoulder as was as a sizable lipoma. Which came back clean. My bicep tendon was intact and looked healthy. Saw the photos of my shoulder and they compared them to my mri. Arthritis, shoulder replacement, more anchors are a probability in the distant future.
I get to start real PT straight away and can work at my desk without a sling.
I thought I was a clever, tough guy yesterday and was swinging my limp dick arm around and pushing the envelope.
What wasn’t great was falling asleep on the couch with only the sling on and not the abductor pillow. I woke up out of deep snore to my shoulder melting in pain, as I had rolled onto it. All 262 pounds of my fat fuck. It took almost an hour and a half for the chewed up narco to kick in.
The pain was too deep to try and breathe, not breathe through it. I have a deep deep respect for opiates, as I had a brick a day habit, when I lived in Boston 27 years ago.
I am humbled by all of it, as I realize and accept that I am deep in the forest again with a limp arm and 50+ plus pounds to shed.
Yet, I happy to be out of the stands and getting back on the court again.
Time takes time.
@Kicksave .I’m bummed I’m late to this thread as I’m in a similiar position. I’m about 9 weeks post surgery from my pec tear, and starting PT on monday. I’m really happy to hear your surgery went well and are able to get right into PT. I was in full sling/brace up until a week ago. I also ran low test, low npp, and mk 677 for my recovery, and am still on. Sounds like you’re doin great and I’m sure you’ll be right back to nornal in no time.
Im gonna be honest you should wait until after PT to start a run maybe trt for a cruise between but get as much natural healing as possible and PT is super important. I ruptured a bicep and went through it all also wish you the best.
Isn’t it great getting out of the sling
Hang in there, brother. I had a big case right after I had my right shoulder surgery, and I can remember being in meetings when the pain meds wore off and all I could do was rub my shoulder in that damn sling and think about the throbbing pain. I would look up and everyone in the room would be staring at me in horror, as they could see the pain I was in. There IS light at the end of the tunnel. You WILL be stronger when this is over. Pain is just weakness leaving the body, and that which does not kill us makes us stronger.
@Bigmurph thanks for the advice. I got such conflicting advice from all over. In the end i kinda knew i would atleast stay on trt dose, added the npp for joint/ tendon support, but if I’m being honest i also just wanted that extra glycogen so i didnt atrophy like a mother fucker. The mk was advice from a friend who recently underwent the same procedure. Ruptured my bicep 2 yrs ago as well. But i do think ill be dropping the npp during the PT. Thanks again
How you feeling, bro? I started PT yesterday. Can’t lift anything with this arm for 12 more weeks, I’m told, which puts me at early May. Good stuff.
I am hanging tough. The sleep for 2-3 hours and wake up is starting to get on my nerves. My PT officially kicks off next Thursday. I am doing passive roms almost hourly and it feels pretty ok … My shoulder hurts more when I am at rest.
Slowly but surely
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Sleeping any better? That was my biggest problem, it’s the reason I was chewing through time release opioids to knock me out and keep me out. Started PT, couple sessions in, active ROM now. Couple days short of 8 weeks post op, my overhead ROM is virtually unrestricted, “fascinating” progress as per the therapist. External rotation is still dead, though(supraspinatus and infraspinatus both severed). Baby steps.
I am still waking up a couple times a night 3.5 weeks into this journey. ( side note… I have to stop grabbing a handful of almonds each time I wake up)
PT yesterday was good. losts of measurements for base numbers, the therapist was in awe with my abilities after such a short time. What was cool was the electro muscle stimulation for 10 minutes. That was different sensation for certain.
Passive rom for 2 more weeks and a few new passive exercises. The pulley exercise felt great and I think I will make one for myself.
I told the PT assistant I was using additional “supplements” to expedite my healing processes. His eyes lit up and wanted to know what my recipe is.
I am finally starting to feel balanced. Which is a welcomed reprieve.
Fortunately the mayoress of san francisco and the pussyboy governor is going to let the gyms open back up next week. I am really looking forward to getting out of the forest again.
Hey BG!
how are you making out? Its been a minute. Hoping you’re making progress over there. My doctor as well as my PT cant get over my rapid healing. Still working on my ROM and doing PT weekly.
Checking back in over here. Its been a few minutes. My doctor gave me the green light a month ago.
He said he’s never seen anybody recover as quickly as I did and that he’s never given the green light so soon. I really cant thank you guys enough for the supplement suggestions and fellowship of getting better. I know I am not out of the woods and still go to PT weekly to enhance the healing process. Yet, I have full range of motion and have finally started working out again. I have lost almost 20 pounds and can see physical changes happening. Which in return is helping my psyche. Cuz it really sucked being soft and bloated, with a limp wing.

This place is the real deal. Happy I found it.
That’s great to hear brother im really glad that you’re back at it again keep hitting PT you know its important and you will be back to fighting weight soon enough hopefully you can get 20lbs of mass on that frame lol that would be great and I look forward to hearing about your progress moving forward.

Good luck and good gains brother
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