Shoulder Surgery Pre and Post Therapies Suggestions

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Making appointment to donate blood monday. what type of blood donation is the most ideal? I generally donate whole blood.

blood work 1.21-1
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Any of you who have been through a surgery that forced you to sleep on your back, do you have any tips? I am unable to sleep more then 1.5hrs at a time, i am terribly sleep deprived and about to lose my fucking mind.
I’m the same way with severe back injuries in the past and knee surgery recently. Been used to it for decades now.
I have read that a small pillow under your knees will kind of keep you on your back…reminder sort of.
I can tolerate every aspect of this shit except the lack of sleep. I chewed through 2 time release opioids last night so they would knock me out quickly.
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I know that you just had surgery but we don’t need to talk about exact medications. I know that you are in pain though and sleep isn’t easy because you are so uncomfortable.
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I just bought an electric recliner in hopes of being able to sleep. I got one that should let me get some rest. Or at least keep me somewhat immobilized on my back.

I am a side or back sleeper. And will spoon on my left side when I have a babe over. So I am hoping the chair keeps me safe. As the surgery is on my right shoulder.
@Bumpygooch I know exactly what you are talking about brother not being able to sleep, exhausted and in pain. Its the worst. Have you tried melatoni gummies? I made tee shirts and baseball caps for this company and the chick would always bring in a bunch of samples. I ate them like candy. Vitamin C and multivitamin. Valerian root tea also helps in a homeopathic way.
I had my pre surgery consult today. Doctor is saying 6 weeks minimum in the sling. Most likely 9 weeks and no real weights for 12 weeks.
This surgery is really going to teach me about powerlessness.
I guess the student is ready…Or not. More shall be revealed.
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Took 5mg melatonin last night, sleep was still shit, but, feel a little less shitty than yesterday. I avoided melatonin, last time I took it, I was working midnights, felt like a complete zombie the rest of the day after I woke up and sleep wasn’t improved. But, I’ll certainly try it again tonight.
Tylenol pm or something like that get the one behind the pharmacy counter and it will knock you out it will also help with pain just make sure that there’s no medication interactions
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Im really glad that it helped a bit you should ask your doctor about something for sleep. They have plenty of meds that aren’t narcotics that can help you get sleep.
Tell him that you know how important sleep is in the healing process and your worried that you just can’t get enough sleep.
They might not give you Valium but something to help you sleep they got a bunch.
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