Shoulder Surgery Pre and Post Therapies Suggestions

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I get that lol I had to stop taking ibuprofen because I was messing up my liver count I was taking so much they can easily give you meds without acetaminophen especially the 800mg ibuprofen same as otc just 800mg one tab.

Let the doctor know that you are worried about your liver count and ask for a medication that doesn’t have those side effects if it gets to that point
BG how you making out Bro? Hopefully your getting some rest. My days are numbered. I can sense the irritability rising from the fear of the unknown.
Still not sleeping well, but, not feeling as shitty, at least. Took 10mg melatonin last night, slept 3.5 hours…good stuff. Spent the rest of today with random bouts of narcolepsy in between squeezing my cardio in. Less than 2 weeks left with this goddam sling on at least. You get a date yet?
Made It out! Successful? I don’t know The nerve block is fading. The cryo ice machine I rented is a great reprieve and automatic. 30 minutes on 60 minutes off.
Sent a note to surgeon asking for a postop recap.
What is the recommendation for npp,tb500 pin and locations and pin time?
NPP I pin EOD, the peptides twice a day, usually upon waking and before bed. I pinned the peptides sub q wherever I was able until I got the dressing off. Then I let my wife pin it once and she slammed it into my delt…douche. One and only time for that.
Day three in the can. The “game ready” cryo machine I rented is unbelievable. Automatically cycling for 30 minutes of shoulder icing and then 30 minutes off. Ive been squeezing the piss out of the stress ball and its keeping swelling out of my hands. I started passive roms. Hoping I can start physical therapy this coming week.
I need a new sling. This one sucks and is uncomfortable. Sleeping 2 couple hours here and there. The melatonin gummies are helping as well.
I gotta keep reminding myself that that recovery is a day at a time.
Shit, PT a week later? Sign me up for THAT surgery. Getting my “good” shoulder looked at next week when I get this sling off, surgeon thinks that may be torn as well. Hopefully can mitigate that via Bi lateral PT, which starts in 2 weeks.
I think I am being optimistic with my PT aspirations. Starting the Passive ROM program today. I am going to really focus more on my diet and getting up to move now.
As I can barely walk 2 blocks without my lower back flaring the fuck up…
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I couldn’t start passive ROM for 2 weeks. So, you’re out in front of me by a nice stretch. You have lumbar issues as well? I do(microdiskectomy) which has made sleeping that much more difficult, I wake up more from back pain than shoulder laying on my back.
I have lumbar issues from being a fat fuck and forgetting to take care of myself. Complacency is the Devils Playground
This surgery has certainly reminded me about this lesson.
Post Op Surgery visit tomorrow… Good times about to commence. I can just feel it.

How is @Bumpygooch ?
Did you get on any BP157 or Tb500 and or HGH? Nvm. Just saw it. NPP and tb500. I read the TB 500 should be 2 mg twice per week close to the location you want healed. I’ve used it worked for me took longer than expected though. Also I’ve used BPC 157 at same time that can be done daily and subq don’t matter where. Also I used 2 iu twice daily of HGH which will help
You sleep good if you take it 30 minutes before bed. And don’t eat an hour either side of taking it.
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