Some pretty disturbing news

DNA samples (which are typically collected at the hospital via sexual assault kit)…warrant issued, not good… without getting into details of my experience / profession…not good for him.
Oct 2018. 8 months ago for something that tried to happen in hotel room. If she went straight to police and appeared to have been raped they would have taken him into custody. DNA samples could be from consentual sex. She could have easily changed the story after or did this on purpose.

They wouldn’t have waited 8 months to issue a warrant of arrest on a subject if they had a solid case.

Any jackass DA can get a warrant issued for anything if they want to.
I hear you… time between the incident and warrants being issued happens all the time. If DAs wants a solid cases, they could take up to a year or more…there is a process. Evidently there are many in the BB community who know of this, but kept it hush. But all are innocent in our country until proven guilty by a group of peers. See what happens …
A group of peers selected by lawyers on both sides in hopes of siding with them…
Oh I completely agree, as sad it is people go by how many followers you have on social media. Which he happens to have 1.6 million on IG alone, that makes him an influencer, media will take that alone and run with it. Hence why so many outlets are reporting on it already
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The shitty part is, whether this turns out to be true or just an accusation. It’s just more bad rep for bodybuilding as a whole since he happens to be Mr. O. Guarantee at some point media will tie this back to the sport and AAS.