Starting first cycle tomorrow and have a few questions

Yeah man I did the blood before I took any AI I just took my first one yesterday. I’m just curious why my results were so high considering I injected test e on the 11th and I did blood test on the 15th so I wasn’t expecting it to go into my system for a few weeks lol. I mainly did the blood test because I was curious what my levels were naturally as my testosterone is normally less than 300.
I bet your estrogen was high before you started the test already 1mg twice a week is a lot how much test per week you taking and in how many shots ?
I wouldn’t be surprised honestly… Hmm I tried to do the o.5 twice a week but it’s too hard to cut the pill and a hassle maybe I can just take 1 mg in one dose once a week? I’m doing two shots a week 250 each so total 500 a week test e
Arimidex I would be taking on NON pin days.
The day after is when I take mine. And Bloodwork is the only way to know if you are taking too much or too little.
I am on 500mg of test E a week And take .5 on days after I pin. But everyone is gonna be different.
Gotchya dude. I just realized you could buy them OTC I’ll be picking Up those today. Starting next week I’ll do 0.5 on the day after I pin and see how it works for me. In a month I’ll go take another lab test too see what’s up. I’m only ending week 2 of my cycle currently. Haven’t noticed anything yet…yet 🙂
I am ending my second week as well and have noticed a few things. The first week and a half I felt like I couldn’t eat much and was bloated and gassy. Maybe it was water retention due to increased estrogen or just the body adapting to the testosterone? I also was having trouble sleeping. I usually get about 5 hours but I was pushing about 3 per night. Regardless of the lack of sleep, I was still waking up sometimes around 2 am with raging erections lol. I am going to get bloodwork done on week 5 and will be ordering some arimidex just to have on hand if my bloods show my estrogen is running high.

Overall everything has been going good. The first injections in the delts had some PIP that was pretty bad but the second injections the pip was hardly noticeable. Adding weight to the lifts every week too although that could just be my CNS getting back into the gym routine in conjunction with a caloric surplus.
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Guess what I saw in down town Tempe today on Mill ave? Yeah you guessed it, a buff homeless man. Dude was in a wheelchair had to be at least 60+ Haha here we are with our shit genes doing everything possible to get gains yet this bastard is apparently eating better then us and getting more nutrients out of a fucking dumpster. I’m legit 100% convinced it’s 98% genetics 1% diet and 1% hard work. All over here eating 200+ grams of protein a day suffering with needle pokes and pip and going to the gym to lift outside in 115 degree weather meanwhile homeboy getting gains dumpster diving and scooting across the street.
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I am now midway through week 3 and want to provide an update on how the cycle has been going so far. We will start with the negatives. Since starting the cycle I have felt bloated the majority of days. I think it is due to water retention from increasing estrogen. I recently ordered Arimidex and will take .5mg the day after pin days to hopefully keep that at bay. I am still also experiencing trouble sleeping. I am one of the very few that only get about 5 hours of sleep on average with my body preventing me from getting any more than that. I run perfectly fine on that amount and have been for over a decade with no issues. However, I am now running on roughly 3 hours each night and if I am lucky I hit 4. I am worried how this is impacting my recovery so every now and then I have been throwing in rest days.

On the positive side my weight has increased from 155 to 165. I am assuming this is mostly water weight as I do not see any visible difference in muscle mass. My lifts have been increasing each week, I feel energetic despite the lack of sleep, and I am getting raging erections a hell of a lot more frequently than I ever used to. The injections have been smooth and have not experienced any issues. I did order 25g needles but really did not notice a difference in the initial poke pain or PIP so have just resumed using the 23’s.
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Is Test E all you are
Taking? The raging boners is an excellent side effect. Sometimes I would get them at random like in the grocery store or at work. Test will do that for you. My wife doesn’t complain. She says it’s like a stone Hahahaha. I disagree @ATAVUZ. There are a few genetic freaks that I am jealous of. But I believe 40 percent diet 40 percent sleep and 20 percent effort in the gym. With proper form is huge.

I recently started micro dosing and it helped my sleep become more stable and my weird dreams went away. I was also told micro dosing the same amount weekly will help your test levels to increase even more.
I did a write up on micro dosing and it’s levels. If you are running short esters, your build up of compounds will not be greater at the end of the week. Short like Esters like TrenA will only reach peak at 48 hour window. Example if you are taking 50mg ED your peak will never be greater than 100mg. The micro dosing gives you a more steady, clean level than EOD for example.
True, my statement was a clear exaggeration I just thought it was hilarious how a dumpster diving old homeless man looked like he’d been in a gym most his life.
We are just on a test E cycle only as it is our first cycle. I’ve been eating everything under the sun for these first weeks. In week 3 and have gotten significant strength gains on my heavy compounds which I know is due to the sauce considering before I was never able to up the weight in anything due to suffering from female genetics aka low T 😂 I am experiencing sides from the AI but nothing too serious… Loss of appetite and diarrhea but still forcing myself to eat just because.
Going to go back to my original plan and eat clean 170-200 grams protein and within the 1500 calorie range. The sides are effecting me at work and it’s becoming a full time job to stuff my face when I’m at work 80++ hours a week on the road and I just don’t got time for that crap honestly plus using the restroom and just working bloated is just no fun. Gotta think on my original goals of just wanting to be lean with low bf% and muscular. I’m so sore all of the time I’m having a hard time wiping my ass too lol. But hey I’ve gotten my strength gains so I couldn’t be happier.
Today marks the start of the fourth week and I am up to 174 pounds from 152. The only noticeable difference is my stomach is sticking out further. Is it normal to put on 22 pounds in only three weeks? I don’t see any increased muscle mass and sure my belly is fatter but not no 20 pounds bigger lol. I would be pretty pissed to have put in the hard work, money, and time just to look worse than I did before I started haha
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