SB Labs

Stay positive stay focused

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Perception is reality. Your reality is however you perceive it to be regardless of others perceptions. Think positive! See all things as a learning experience made to help you grow. If you look hard enough you can find good in almost every experience. It’s your choice to be happy or not. If you’re struggling, change your physical situation by taking a walk or working out. Sometimes just putting the body in motion in new scenery can help break negative thoughts. You are in control of your happiness. Fight the demons and never give up!
Sometimes I need to remind myself of that, battled pretty severe depression my whole life, the gym has always been my savior.
I def feel some of my depressive habits forming again without the gym. Wanting to sleep in and drinking with drug use more often. Hope they open back up soon
I normally see a therapist, but all that shit is shut down, least I’m still able to train.

Stay strong man, and I know battling addiction is tough, just be careful and don’t go too far down that road.
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