SB Labs

Steroid death?

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So i had two cousins that were gym rats and both ran gear one died about 2 years back from a heart attack. He was 46 years old when he passed. I wasn’t close to him but me and his brother knew each other well.
Its all speculation that gear killed him but how does that happen?
Like i said we weren’t close but i cant ask his brother its been a long time since I’ve seen him.
His dad refused to let the autopsy happen which is odd by itself. I know two days prior he went to a walk in clinic for chest pain and i know he had a heart attack bc its a small town and everyone talks. But yall know how it is w people who know nothing about weightlifting and aas it all the steroids fault. I also would believe he donated blood, used organ support, and got blood work but i cant be for certain.
I know it happens but that makes it real
So does it sound like it to yall and do yall know every day peopl who drop dead fom aas? Is it common? I see it happen to people online but the seem like they’re running alot of stuff.
Wha chat think?
I think theres every day common folks that keel over all the time and they have never touched anything like a aas. About 6 a year at the plant I worked at. Face planted at their desk…shop floor…parking lot… in their sleep.

Could be any number of things other than aas.
This is true its just for me thats the only person i personally knew do you know people that have died from this hobby?
I’m new to so don’t know many guys that use but that said I wiuld call aas contributing factor not cuae. Usually genetic predisposition and other things are in valves as well. It’s just like drinking some people drink heavily for their whole life no issues others not so much
So 2 grams I was damn near hard all the time. Now my body has reached it to be regualr at 1050 with the 700 tren. I’m ready to go but I can think of other things now
I’ve lost a lot of roid friends I’ve known online and in person. But, we all did stupid high doses and there were a lot of recreational drugs involved as well. If you stick to HRT doses you have nothing to worry about. If you push high doses all the time then it’s a crap shoot based on whether or not your DNA can handle it.
As far as I know there’s not been a death directly because of steroid use. There has usually been other drugs involved.

Without his lab work, and a heart cath or a pictures of his arteries as he aged there’s no way to know if it contributed. We also don’t know if he was taking appropriate support for his overall health (telmisartan and glutathione).

Does he have a family history of heart attack? Etc etc.

There’s so many variables. The media always wants to blame shit on AAS. did it contribute? Probably. Possibly.

Did he receive proper care after his heart attack? Was he placed on the appropriate meds? Did he have a blood clot?

Literally too many variable to list in his case.

This is why I preach moderate to low use. 20 years not 20 weeks is the focus. This is why I pound telmisartan and glutathione over and over again.
The first thought I had in the first hour of my career at the plant i worked at is “ this is the most fattest people I’ve ever seen in my life congregated in one place”.

It was true…the ambulance was there pretty much every day carting someone off for one reason or another. At least 1 maybe 2 heart attacks a week… fainting…strokes…falling…etc etc. I’m in a small percentage making it past one year of my retirement. Making 10 years puts you in the exclusive club…
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So obviously you worked on that ship from Disney’s Wall-E


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