SB Labs

Suggestions for first cutting cycle

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I see you have that loose skin from weight loss as well it will make it look like yiur aren’t as lean as you are great job man
Yeah I absolutely hate rice unless it’s sushi lol sweet potatoes are like a candy to me after a workout haha but and yeah my sleep is good as well. I’m in bed by 7 or 8pm and up at 4am everyday and at gym by 4:40. I’d go earlier if they opened earlier lol I’m there a good two hours at least then I sauna or steam room afterwards
Heavyweight first three day. Monday- back, biceps. Tuesday- chest, triceps. Wednesday- legs, shoulders. Then I repeat that split Thursday Friday and Saturday, but I do light weight high reps.I do sprints Monday, Wednesday, Friday, also I do abs Monday, Wednesday, Friday.
Can I ask why sprints unless you are training for sports all your going to do is put stress on your joints with those
PPl. That’s what I am working on switching to next week hopefully. It’s hard to say how tight that skin will get. You are younger. Genetics plays a big roll too. Old school guys would take preparation ha and any skin tightening cream and rub it on and wrap it in plastic wrap then workout for a while then take it off. They swear by it.
Steady state cardio…more words I dislike immensely!

Losing fat just sucks butt!!!
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