SB Labs

The desperate plight of a hard gaining ectomorph

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I love hcg. I run it at 1000 iu three times per week (this is not a dangerous dose. This is a very mild and virtually side effect free drug according to my doctor) when I am on a cycle and for a few weeks after. It keeps my ball functioning. I am not worried about shrinkage but I like to blow a big load when having sex with the wife. I remember the first time I had sex and my finish had no juice to it. I was so disappointed I always like a big satisfying finish. HCG restores that finish also.
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I suppose as skinny as he is there should be some definition showing. It’s a test only cycle and only at 500 mg per week. Almost like a strong TRT. Have you made any strength gains @SidTheSlothh in the two months you’ve been on. For just starting out you should be making gains of at least five pounds per week on things like bench and squats and deadlifts …
Been on hcg for over ten years and I’m still here imo that is a must for any cycle or off cycle trt or pct
You are bigger but same shape which leads me to this I ABSOLUTELY HATE DIRTY BULK it’s like going on a diet with no exercise you will your weight changes but you are still same shape your a hard gainer eat lots of calories but the right kinds protein shakes that are loaded with peanut butter and mass gainer several times a day we need to get you a meal plan not Mickey d’s. First missed some of it have you checked estrogen ?
Also have you been steadily increasing weight or reps at gym or just going in and grabbing weights take a notebook write it down next time you do it go up weight even if it’s 2 1/2 lbs or 1 rep I doubt its all fat I’m sure you have gained muscle too your bigger
But with dirty bulk you are not going to see the body change did you do measurements before you started and weight ? Sorry for the questions I’m not being a dick either I don’t want you too give up or get discouraged I wish I could eat whatever I wanted and not gain weight (John) haha I get fat looking at food Also what was your test levels before you started vs now?
😂 Lol I feel you bro same here…

It does seem healthier to keep some ball function though, I’m glad it has been recommended.
And lol for blowing big loads. Not sure man!! I havnt had an issue with small loads yet so maybe my nuts are still hanging in there kinda… who knows 😂 for sure though women hate it when you just shoot a droplet 😂
I have been keeping a log on my phone and I have been getting stronger each week. My dead’s, squats, and bench have all increased over 25 pounds and so far each week I have been able to add 5 pounds to the bar. I didn’t take any measurements just the photos on here.

I do need to run bloods and check my estro. Should I up the dose on the Adex to 1mg in the meantime to combat the water retention?
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I don’t think I’d up the adex yet till week 6 bloods come back. My estrogen after week one shot to 215 but I didn’t have an AI. Started AI in week 3 .5 mg 2x a week after shot day. Still waiting on results from the estrogen and hopefully that fixed the issue. If it’s still high after results might have to up the adex. But I doubt it as adex is a strong drug. My week 6 bloods came back good for T levels but apparently the lab is having delays with my estrogen vial. So yeah. I wouldn’t change any doses around till those come back
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I have barely done any cardio since I started the cycle and have been eating a lot of junk to hit high calories. Cardio has been difficult to push with my weight and feel 2x worse doing it then before cycle. I can add in light cardio and adjust my diet to make it cleaner while still maintaining high protein. I’m scared to make it too clean though as then I fear not getting the calories in and then halting my impetus on strength gains each week.
Now that I do full body every time I’m in the gym I leave so stiff I can’t even do the cardio so I’ve dumped it compeltely lol. My heart rate goes up doing all weights to failure anyways so ima save the cardio till after cycle. All cardio will do for me is eat the calories I need plus trying to do cardio in a mask is retarded.
Your killing me with what your sayin, stick around and learn from the people here, guys that got a little age,and lots of EXPERIENCE, not just what one persons tellin you.
If you drink a shit ton of water you can still shoot huge loads. It might be spermless but hey a load is a load! Hahah.
What do you mean bro, what do you recommend I do? I am all ears and will make any change that I need to. I am currently checking this on my phone so maybe I missed something, but you said something needs to change which isn’t specific? What changes do I need to make?
I’m not sayin I know exactly how to deal with what you need to do, but when someone states,eatin a lot of junk food,that’s a problem
I’m going to address the diet, but I do think I over exaggerated when I stated a lot of junk food. I do eat junk with empty calories but it definitely wasn’t an excessive amount and was more so at home then running by fast food joints each day. I’m going to reduce the frequency and amount of empty calories I consume and see how that works out.
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