SB Labs

The desperate plight of a hard gaining ectomorph

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So week 6 Blood results show 195 estrogen so apparently .5 Adex 2x a week isn’t enough to keep the levels down. Bumping it to 1 mg adex 2x weekly after shot day. Same for you sid. We are identical twins and our bloodwork is the same on our own individual tests.

Week 1 blood results. 1600 Total t 590 free t
214 estrogen. Started taking Adex .5 2x weekly after shot day to lower estro levels.

Week 6 blood results. 1600 total t 600 free T
195 estro levels.

Guess it’s safe to say gonna have to drop another 100 bucks to check estro again in a few weeks to see if 2mg of adex a week is doing its job
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Yeah it is. Weird cuz I feel normal? It’s just strange but owell. Hopefully 1 mg of adex twice a week can get it below 100…
Do you two ride together on the rode your both in trucking right
I started a gym log tracking the three compound lifts bench, deadlifts, and squats. These are all being done on a smith machine as that is all planet fitness has. Apparently free weights attract all the lunks and they want all the insecure lards coming to their gym. Hell the vast majority of their employees have greasy hair, look like they haven’t showered in days, and are morbidly obese. I bet they hire people like that so that prospective members feel less intimidated.

Anyways, I started the log on week 3 to track my progress. I should have started initially but better late than never. All three lifts are 4 sets of 5 or less. If I can do more than 5, 5, 5, 5 I up the weight in increments of 5lbs.These are not 1 rep maxes, they are working sets for reps.

Week 3:
Bench 185
Squats 175
Deadlifts 245

Currently end of week 7:
Bench 225
Squats 225
Deadlifts 290

I put 10 lbs extra on the bar today for bench than what was on just four days ago so I know I am definitely getting stronger. It is odd however getting stronger but not really noticing anything besides looking more bloated and full lol. I did increase the adex to 1mg twice a week so I am hoping that does get rid of some of the water I am carrying and hopefully I can continue upping the weight for the duration of the cycle.
As long as your lifts are going up whatever you are doing is working. Know, we were never able to increase the weight on anything prior and now are doing so no problem. As far as I’m concerned as long as you are getting stronger, you are building… Whether you keep the gains or not is questionable and I guess dependent on your own body and how PCT treats you. Some people lose it and I’ve heard some keep it. @Dmomuchole was able to maintain all his gains off his first cycle :+1:t2:
Yeah man just got to keep pushing yourself, really focus on a CLEAN Diet lol push yourself hard when you want to stop hit two more. Diet and PCT are important otherwise your wasting your money, gear and time at the gym. We can’t just use these compounds eat Twinkies and magically grow muscle we gotta work for it. I like eating Twinkies though. Haha
Shit a Saturday with some good UFC fights on is not the time to ask what I’m eating haha. Every morning I typically have an egg sandwich (2 eggs) and a tall glass of milk. Went to the gym and had a protein shake afterwards, then a cheese hotdog in a bun with a beer watching the fights, and later tonight I am going to have a big chicken breast with black beans and a can of mixed vegetables
There we go my man that sounds good brother, you seem like you got a solid routine. I had steak and potatoes with caprese salad. Had some oatmeal this morning and of course gotta have a Couple shakes. Oatmeal is real good for you but tastes like shit.

I also use planet fitness for 10$ a month but it kinda sucks but it will work for when I max out with the free weights I’ll go to a better gym.

This is a good site for workouts and routines. It has a bunch of different videos demonstrating different work outs and they are 30-60 second vids.
During the weekdays I typically eat on the same routine with very similar meals. The weekends is when I deviate a bit. I used to do the plain oats and that shit literally tastes like cardboard no matter what I doctored it with. Gave that shit up years ago and now I have been doing eggs every morning for the last 5 years. Egg sandwich with a slice of cheese nets about 20g protein plus the 16g from the milk. Sometimes I will just do a shake with that to bump it up even higher and the egg sandwiches are damn good they never get old.

Yeah the planet fitness will do for now. It’s just a good deal where I can bring my girlfriend and also get unlimited tanning too but eventually will have to upgrade.

I’ll refer to those vids when I switch my routine after cycle. I don’t think I am going to switch while on just because I don’t see a reason to make changes if I’m progressing on lifts.

Is it necessary to completely overhaul a routine often to “shock the body,” or does changing volume, intensity, and using progressive overload suffice without having to change the exercises?
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I got planet fitness 20$ and lifetime for 70$ I always hit lifetime only time I’ll go to planet is if lifetime is so busy I can’t breathe. I switched to lifetime to get away from that smith machine for deadlifts,squats, and bench. Nothing wrong with it I just don’t like it lol.

I had whole grain bread slices and peanut butter for breakfast, 2 tuna packets for a snack, 2 chicken breast and peas for lunch, at the gym now then when I get home I’ll have a massive shake, then for dinner I’m gonna have some salmon and call it a night. But I can’t forget my cheese ruffles for the fights. I cheat a little on Saturday and the other 6 days I do 💯
Everyone has there own theory but that’s what I do and it’s working well.

I love egg sandwiches can’t go wrong with that.
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