SB Labs

The desperate plight of a hard gaining ectomorph

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I am still having the issue of having to cut workouts short because of muscle tightness to the point where my muscles feel like they are going to rip out of the skin. Is this a sign of high estro or overtraining? Looking to do a blood test sometime next week. I am also experiencing more sharp pain when my girlfriend injects my delts and most of the time I hardly felt it before. I am pretty sure she hasn’t changed technique so could that be it’s taking longer to punch through scar tissue? The shot five days ago was pretty rough as the PIP spread into my front delt region for the first time and I could barely move my arm for two days lol
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What size needle are you using for your delts? How is your hydration are you drinking 1 gallon of water a day minimum and getting plenty of electrolytes?
I realized I haven’t been drinking enough water recently so I’m drinking about 40oz ever 2 hours or so
Get some liquid IV for electrolytes online or at Costco. And drink lots water. Take a couple days off and deload if you need too.
I am using 23s. I did try the 25 earlier on but it felt the same but now I am thinking about trying them again.

I haven’t been keeping track of my water intake, all I know is my piss is light in color
Yeah brother you need to alternate/rotate injection sights. This is unsafe to constantly inject in the same spot. I’ll post up some literature to reference. But you can get oil cyst from constantly injecting in the same spots.
First off let me apologize as I skimmed through rather fast. But yeah a dirty bulk?
Idk about that one. Gear definitely has it place but it is not a wonder drug far as eating whatever. Everything I read is a planned out cycle and this is bro science because everyone is different pertaining to their own bodies. And also one injection site? Yes I would definitely look and research into more. I use 6 myself and considering how far I will take it 8 or 10.
Yeah it’s cool you gained weight and your doing PCT…but…I wish I had my before pics but that phone got destroyed. So all I’m left with is my profile pic and I’m no where looking like a lot of these guys on here.
I’m no where near cut but that’s me bulking up CLEAN. And what’s your rep count? Do you go for the pump…or actually chase it?
I’m sure some of this stuff might have already been answered and once again I apologise…but…yea…
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SidTheSlothh said:
I started a gym log tracking the three compound lifts bench, deadlifts, and squats. These are all being done on a smith machine as that is all planet fitness has. Apparently free weights attract all the lunks and they want all the insecure lards coming to their gym. Hell the vast majority of their employees have greasy hair, look like they haven’t showered in days, and are morbidly obese. I bet they hire people like that so that prospective members feel less intimidated.

Anyways, I started the log on week 3 to track my progress. I should have started initially but better late than never. All three lifts are 4 sets of 5 or less. If I can do more than 5, 5, 5, 5 I up the weight in increments of 5lbs.These are not 1 rep maxes, they are working sets for reps.

Week 3:
Bench 185
Squats 175
Deadlifts 245

Currently end of week 7:
Bench 225
Squats 225
Deadlifts 290

I put 10 lbs extra on the bar today for bench than what was on just four days ago so I know I am definitely getting stronger. It is odd however getting stronger but not really noticing anything besides looking more bloated and full lol. I did increase the adex to 1mg twice a week so I am hoping that does get rid of some of the water I am carrying and hopefully I can continue upping the weight for the duration of the cycle.
Ok… Umm… This looks like strength style training. Reps of 5 you say…nice when your plateauing out…hell drop sets…whatever…dam brother… idk what to say…you want to get big?? Or just be strong at the gym. Keep your rep range at 15…fighting for that 18 20th one. I really don’t know what to say at this point
I wouldn’t necessarily call it strength training as I only go for low rep ranges on the three compounds. All subsequent exercises I have been shooting for the 8-12 rep ranges.

I am definitely going to get my girlfriend to attempt the glutes. She has been hesitant since she has never done them before and is confused on where specifically to inject. Still trying to figure out if the 1mg adex twice a week he the estrogen under control. .5 wasn’t cutting it but we shall see when I get bloods done
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Alright… Just watch those nerves. As far as you’re training who am I to say. Every man has his own way because he wants to be the best in his own way. Me and @Rusty about to do it our own way as well. Godspeed
I incorporate all kinds of techniques and training regimens. I take in all different information from friends and this site. I throw everything against the wall and whatever sticks I use it. Hell I never heard of a JM press until about a month ago. I ask @Dirtnasty what it was he explained and told me to YouTube it. I did and tried it and now it’s part of my routine. Cause it works towards my goals of wanting to hit a 400 bench in the future. Me and @Ripgut are about to tear shit up in about a week here. Your welcome to join us if you want.

By the way @SidTheSlothh did you say you only inject once per week?
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