SB Labs

The year of the Comeback!

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Week 5 Day 1, Dynamic Effort Lower. Did 10x2 deadlifts with 225 and 100 lbs of chains, reps were very fast and rest between sets was enough to walk off the platform, turn around walk right back on, set up and pull. I had these done in 5 min. Everything felt great. Lower assessory work as follows

Cable Pull Through 4x12
Leg Extension ss w/t bar row 4x12
Ham Curl ss w/alt dumbbell curl 4x12

Cardio, walk on a 5 incline, 2.9 mph 20 min, it was hell, I hated EVERY second of it.

Thursday will be speed bench

Thinking about upping my test to 500 mg/wk and throwing in some Mast… not sure, as I’ve never used it, but I’m getting kind of burned out on just adding Deca or NPP to my test when I blast… but this won’t be until after my doctors appointment
I don’t believe mast is very anabolic it’s more for temporary visual appearance. Personally if your going for growth I would stick to deca or npp even if it’s boring but that’s just my opinion.
Treadmill doesn’t seem to bother the hip.

Dynamic Effort upper yesterday, did 9x3 on flat bench with 3 different grips… 155 lbs + 100 lbs of chain. Everything felt good except my wide grip (wide for me
Is pinkies on the rings) had some pretty noticeable pain in my right pec. 1 more week of this will be 6 weeks into conjugate and I’ll probably throw in a de-load. Assessory work was as follows

Flat DB press 4x12
Low incline DB Flye 4x12
Neutral Grip lat PD 4x12
Superset the following
Face pulls
Rope pushdowns
Side dumbbell raise
All 3 sets of 20
Masteron can be a quality growth promoter. It’s just more of a long slow climb. Masteron is superdrol. And we know that’s a helluva growth promoter.
Masteron and superdrol is exactly the same? Maybe superdrol is derived from masteron or something? Do you consider it as good of a bulking compound and nandrolone?
Super drol is just methylated. It’s the same thing. The methyl group doesn’t change the function of the hormone.
No not really…. But it’s safety profile is higher and side effects are lower. And you don’t have to add in another ancillary with it.

I’ll probably catch Heat for saying it’s actually a. Decent anabolic… but before anyone says shit let’s remember we all have different goals and paths to get there.

I’m of the very low and slow mindset and preferably with the least harsh compounds out there.
I was thinking that as well but I’m certainly no expert. I was thinking anything methylated is stronger. Like tren vs mtrn
I ran superdrol a few times way back when it was OTC, in my late 20’s. It always made me feel terrible after about the 2nd week, sluggish, hard to breath, always tired. Anadrol used to be my go to oral purely for the strength gains, along with DECA or NPP. Anadrol makes me feel like death now that I’m in my 40’s and I’m tired of the way Nandrolone always makes me feel like a train wreck for multiple weeks after I come off. Tren for me is a no go, unfortunately I suffer from every side and my mental issues are magnified by about 10,000,000 when on it. I just need to find something to add to my test when I blast with minimal sides.
Not insulting you but you’re getting old brother.

My selection of ANY compounds can be counted on one hand… maybe less.

Btw how’s the new gig treating you?
I love the new gig, I actually enjoy going to work now for the first time in a LONG time. although not walking around as much as I used to is taking a toll on my waist… gotta get it under control, that’s why the cardio. Might even need to cut into the macros too.
Still alive, still been training. Hit both my Dynamic Effort days this week, even did cardio 2 days. We found out yesterday that our youngest daughter who has a lung/liver and immune condition has COVID, so if
I’m absent for a few days it’s because we’re taking care of her.
As of right now, neither my wife or I have it. Our oldest
Daughter had it 2 months ago. I’m sure one of us will end up with it, I’m hopeful my O negative blood will help protect me from it. I’m more concerned for our youngest daughter with her issues. An old co worker of mine just passed away at the beginning of November after being put in the ICU with COVID, and he was very healthy and only 3 years older than me.
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